Visas 1 - 10 av 10 resultat för sökning '', Sökningstid : 0,09s Förfina resultatet
  1. 1
    Jun yue tian ting : Gu gong zhen cang xi qu wen wu = The dragon's stage: Chinese opera artifacts from the Palace Museum /
    钧乐天听 : 故宮珍藏戏曲文物 = The dragon's stage: Chinese opera artifacts from the Palace Museum /
    Publicerad 2008

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    Konferenspublikation Bok
  2. 2
    Han wen wen shu : Dongbota dang an zhong de Aomen gu shi = Chapas Sínicas : histórias de Macau na Torre do Tombo = Stories of Macau in Torre do Tombo /
    漢文文書 : 東波塔檔案中的澳門故事 = Chapas Sínicas : histórias de Macau na Torre do Tombo = Stories of Macau in Torre do Tombo /
    Publicerad 2018

  3. 3
  4. 4
    Yong le wen yuan : Qing dai gong ting dian ji wen hua yi shu
    永樂文淵 : 清代宮廷典籍文化藝術 /
    永樂文淵 : 清代宮廷典籍文化藝術
    永樂文淵 : 清代宮廷典籍文化藝術 /
    永樂文淵 : 清代宫廷典籍文化藝術
    永樂文淵 : 清代宮廷典籍文化藝術
    Publicerad 2007

  5. 5
    Jun yue tian ting : Gu gong zhen cang xi qu wen wu = The dragon's stage: Chinese opera artifacts from the Palace Museum /
    钧乐天听 : 故宫珍藏戏曲文物 = The dragon's stage: Chinese opera artifacts from the Palace Museum /
    Publicerad 2008

    Konferenspublikation Bok
  6. 6
    Hai guo bo lan : Qing dai gong ting xi yang chuan jiao shi hua shi hui hua liu pai jing pin /
    海國波瀾 : 淸代宫廷西洋傳敎士畫師繪畫流派精品 /
    海國波瀾 : 淸代宮廷西洋傳敎士畫師繪畫流派精品 /
    Publicerad 2002

    Konferenspublikation Bok
  7. 7
    Qing dai Putaoya zhu Guangzhou zong ling shi guan dang an = Qingdai Putaoya zhu Guangzhou zonglingshiguan dang an /
    清代葡萄牙驻广州总领事馆档案 = Qingdai Putaoya zhu Guangzhou zonglingshiguan dang an /
    清代葡萄牙驻广州总领事馆档案 = Qingdai Putaoya zhu Guangzhou zonglingshiguan dang an /
    清代葡萄牙驻广州总领事馆档案 = Qingdai Putaoya zhu Guangzhou zonglingshiguan dang an /
    Publicerad 2015

  8. 8
    Hai guo bo lan : Qing dai gong ting xi yang chuan jiao shi hua shi hui hua liu pai jing pin = The golden exile : pictorial expressions of the school of western missionaries' artwor...
    海國波瀾 : 淸代宮廷西洋傳敎士畫師繪畫流派精品 = The golden exile : pictorial expressions of the school of western missionaries' artworks of the Qing dynasty court = Exílio dourado : expressoẽs pictóricas da escola dos missionários ocidentais obras de arte da corte da dinastia Qing /
    海國波瀾 : 淸代宮廷西洋傳敎士畫師繪畫流派精品 = The golden exile : pictorial expressions of the school of western missionaries' artworks of the Qing dynasty court = Exílio dourado : expressoẽs pictóricas da escola dos missionários ocidentais obras de arte da corte da dinastia Qing /
    Publicerad 2002

    Konferenspublikation Bok
  9. 9
    Putaoya Wai jiao bu cang Puguo zhu Guangzhou zong ling shi guan dang an
    葡萄牙外交部藏葡國駐廣州總領事館檔案 : 清代部分·中文/
    葡萄牙外交部藏葡國駐廣州總領事館檔案 : 清代部分・中文/
    葡萄牙外交部藏葡國駐廣州總領事館檔案 : 清代部分・中文 /
    葡萄牙外交部藏葡國駐廣州總領事館檔案 : 清代部分・中文/
    葡萄牙外交部藏葡國駐廣州總領事館檔案 : 清代部分・中文/
    Publicerad 2009

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