Table of Contents:
  • Part I : Childhood, boyhood, and youth, 1860-1886
  • "Tea, sugar, coffee, and other groceries"
  • "Before men you must be aware of your own worth"
  • "Father Antosha"
  • Aesculapius versus Apollo
  • Chekhov and the humorous magazines
  • "All my hopes lie entirely in the future"
  • Part II : First fame as a writer, 1886-1889
  • "Schiller Shakespearovich Goethe"
  • "My holy of holies ... is absolute freedom"
  • "There is a sort of stagnation in my soul"
  • Part III : Frustration, travel, literary maturity, 1889-1892
  • "Mania sachalinosa"
  • "Landowner A. Chekhov"
  • Part IV : The Melikhovo period, 1892-1898
  • "Drive the poets and fiction writers into the country"
  • "For the lonely man, the desert is everywhere"
  • "Twice rejected"
  • "Man will become better only when you make him see what he is like"
  • "A work of art should express a great idea"
  • "I'll go with the spring freshets"
  • "To be doctored ... is a form of the most repulsive egoism"
  • Part V : The Yalta period begins, 1898-1900
  • "As I grow older, the pulse of life in me beats faster ..."
  • "I have become a 'Marxist'"
  • "Hello, last page of my life, great actress of the Russian land"
  • "My dear enchanting actress"
  • Part VI : Marriage and death, 1901-1904
  • "What do you know, I going to get married"
  • "A wife who, like the moon, will not appear in my sky every day"
  • "We are both incomplete people"
  • "To Moscow, to Moscow"
  • "Ich sterbe."