The other side : apocryphal perspectives on ancient Christian "orthodoxies" /

Bibliographic Details
Other Authors: Moss, Candida R. (Editor,, Moss, Candida, 1978- (Editor), Nicklas, Tobias, 1967- (Editor,, Tuckett, C. M (Christopher Mark) (Editor,, Verheyden, Joseph, 1957- (Editor,, Verheyden, Jozef (Editor)
Format: Book
Published: Göttingen : Vandenhoeck Ruprecht, [2017]
Göttingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, [2017]
Göttingen : [2017]
Series:Novum Testamentum et orbis antiquus, Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments ; Bd. 117
Novum Testamentum et orbis antiquus, Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments ; Bd. 117
Novum Testamentum et orbis antiquus, Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments ; Bd.117
Novum Testamentum et orbis antiquus, Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments Bd. 117
Novum Testamentum et orbis antiquus, Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments Bd. 117
V & R academic
V & R academic
Table of Contents:
  • Models of the relation between "apocrypha" and "orthodoxy". From antiquity to modern scholarship
  • Beyond "canon". Christian Apocrypha and pilgrimage
  • Recognizing the Valentinians: now and then
  • The Nazarenes: orthodox heretics with an apocryphal canonical gospel?
  • The Protevangelium of James and the Infancy Gospel of Thomas: orthodoxy from above or heterodoxy from below?
  • Lacerated lips and lush landscapes: constructing this-worldly theological identities in the otherworld
  • Wie "apokryph" ist das Evangelium nach Maria? Über die Schwierigkeiten einer Verortung
  • The figure of Seth in Jewish and early Christian writings. Was there a "Sethian gnosticism"?
  • What's in a name? How "apocryphal" are the "apocryphal gospels"?
  • Notions of orthodoxy in early Christian martyrdom literature
  • The embroidered garment: Egyptian perspectives on 'apocryphity' and 'orthodoxy'
  • Menschenschöpfung und urzeitlicher Teufelsfall in Überlieferungen der Falascha. Der erste Teil von Teezâza Sanbat in der von Halevy veröffentlichten Version
  • Slavonic pseudepigrapha, Nubia, and the Syrians
  • The reception of apocryphal texts in Medieval Ireland
  • Models of the relation between apocrypha and orthodoxy. From antiquity to modern scholarship
  • Beyond canon. Christian Apocrypha and pilgrimage
  • Recognizing the Valentinians: now and then
  • The Nazarenes: orthodox heretics with an apocryphal canonical gospel?
  • The Protevangelium of James and the Infancy Gospel of Thomas: orthodoxy from above or heterodoxy from below?
  • Lacerated lips and lush landscapes: constructing this-worldly theological identities in the otherworld
  • Wie apokryph ist das Evangelium nach Maria? Über die Schwierigkeiten einer Verortung
  • The figure of Seth in Jewish and early Christian writings. Was there a Sethian gnosticism?
  • Whats in a name? How apocryphal are the apocryphal gospels?
  • Notions of orthodoxy in early Christian martyrdom literature
  • The embroidered garment: Egyptian perspectives on apocryphity and orthodoxy
  • Menschenschöpfung und urzeitlicher Teufelsfall in Überlieferungen der Falascha. Der erste Teil von Teezâza Sanbat in der von Halevy veröffentlichten Version
  • Slavonic pseudepigrapha, Nubia, and the Syrians
  • The reception of apocryphal texts in Medieval Ireland
  • Foreword
  • Models of the relation between "apocrypha" and "orthodoxy" : from antiquity to modern scholarship / Christoph Markschies (Humboldt University Berlin)
  • Beyond "canon" : christian apocrypha and pilgrimage / Tobias Nicklas (University of Regensburg)
  • References to apocryphal books and their reception
  • Stories in apocryphal writings about Holy Places
  • Stories connected to Holy "Biblical" places or persons not found in the Bible or in apocryphal writings
  • Conclusion
  • Recognizing the valentinians : now and then / Ismo dunderberg (University of Helsinki)
  • Talking about recognition
  • Irenaeus, the valentinians and textual community
  • Stronger recognition : clement of alexandria
  • Between rejection and approval : origen and heracleon
  • Conclusion
  • The Nazarenes : orthodox heretics with an apocryphal canonical gospel? / Petri Luomanen (University of Helsinki)
  • Introduction
  • The history of the nazarenes as epiphanius's fiction
  • The nazarenes' orthodoxy?
  • Origen and the two kinds of Ebionites
  • Conclusion
  • The protevangelium of James and the infancy Gospel of Thomas : orthodoxy from above or heterodoxy from below? / Reidar Aasgaard (University of Oslo)
  • The twin stories of Jesus' and his mother Mary's childhood
  • The protevangelium of James : reception and research history
  • The infancy Gospel of Thomas : reception and research history
  • Status quo of research, and a fresh approach : the importance of social level
  • A social level approach : Ramsay MacMullen's "second church"
  • Circumstantial evidence of social level : approaches and text samples
  • Language and style
  • Intertextuality
  • Educational level and cultural background
  • The role of theology
  • Social world
  • Social hierarchy and authority
  • Reflections and conclusions
  • Lacerated lips and lush landscapes : constructing this-worldly theological identities in the otherworld / Meghan Henning (University of Dayton, Ohio)
  • Introduction
  • Hermeneutics and the otherworld : the history of interpretation of hell and the "Truth Games" of proto-orthodoxy and canonicity
  • The otherworld as reflexive : finding the heterodox in hell and the orthodox in Heaven
  • The otherworld as constructive : the use of the "apocrypha" in christian praxis
  • The otherworld as a place to keep them separated : "sorting" in pre-christian depictions of the otherworld
  • "Works" and the reign of christ in the new testament
  • Otherworldly categories that demarcate theological identity in this world
  • Lacerated lips : defining christian identity through heteropraxis in the Netherworld
  • Lush landscapes : constructing christian identity through Orthopraxis in the Heavenly realms
  • Conclusion
  • Wie "apokryph" ist das evangelium nach Maria? Über die schwierigkeiten einer Verortung / Judith Hartenstein (University of Koblenz-Landau)
  • Zur äusseren Bezeugung
  • Die personen in der erzählung
  • Inhaltliche positionen der schrift
  • Die verwendung von traditionen
  • Überlegungen zum sozialen hintergrund
  • Folgerungen
  • The figure of seth in Jewish and early christian writings : was there a "sethian gnosticism"? / Jens Schröter (Humboldt University Berlin)
  • Introduction
  • The figure of seth in jewish writings
  • The figure seth in nag hammadi texts
  • "Sethians" in the heresiological reports of early christian theologians
  • Conclusion
  • What's in a name? how "apocryphal" are the "apocryphal gospels"? / Christopher Tuckett (University of Oxford)
  • What is "apocryphal"?
  • Readership
  • Gospel of Thomas
  • Gospel of Mary
  • Gospel of Peter
  • General conclusions on Gos : thom., Gos. Mary and Gos. Pet.
  • Further considerations
  • Implied readers
  • Conclusions
  • Notions of orthodoxy in early christian martyrdom literature / Candida R. Moss (University of Notre Dame)
  • Martyrdom as orthopraxis in Justin Martyr
  • Martyrdom of polycarp and the rejection of false martyrdom
  • Conclusion
  • The embroidered garment : egyptian perspectives on 'apocryphity' and 'orthodoxy' / Jacques van der Vliet (Leiden University, Radboud University Nijmegen)
  • Coptic-language sources : nature and heuristics
  • The debate about apocryphity in late-antique Egypt I : shenoute of atripe
  • Apocrypha in defense of orthodoxy I : the apocalypse of Paul (CANT 325)
  • Menschenschöpfung und urzeitlicher Teufelsfall in Überlieferungen der falascha : der erste teil von teezâza sanbat in der von halevy veröffentlichten version / Jan Dochhorn (University of Durham)
  • Einleitung
  • Teezâza sanbat : zum stand der forschung und zum Inhalt
  • Zur editionsgeschichte
  • Wie originär ist die falascha-literatur?
  • Wie originär ist Teezâza Sanbat?
  • Zur frage der autorschaft
  • Zum Inhalt von Teezâza sanbat
  • Menschenschöpfung und teufelsfall im einleitungsteil von teezâza sanbat
  • Gehört dieser abschnitt ursprünglich zu teezâza sanbat?
  • Zu den traditionshintergründen der anthropogonischen und satanologischen Erzählungen im einleitungsteil von teezâza sanbat
  • Schlussbemerkungen
  • Slavonic Pseudepigrapha, Nubia, and the Syrians / Basil Lourié (St. Petersburg)
  • Introduction
  • Possible non-byzantine (and non-western) sources of the slavonic pseudepigrapha : a review of the existing hypotheses
  • The "Jewish" paradigm
  • The "syrian" paradigm-1 : vaillant and jakobson
  • The "syrian" paradigm-2 : lourié
  • Hallmarks of syriac in 2 enoch
  • An iranian aramaism : the shift *t > d in the intervocalic position
  • The transliteration of sin by tsy
  • Two recensions of 2 enoch
  • Who were those syrians? (putting the question)
  • St. eleutherius' dossier and the hagiography of syrian missions to Arabia
  • Who were those syrians : longinus of noubadia and the paulists
  • The earliest slavonic gospel translation
  • Conclusion
  • The reception of apocryphal texts in medieval Ireland / John Carey (University College Cork, Ireland)
  • Models of the relation between "apocrypha" and "orthodoxy". From antiquity to modern scholarship / Christoph Markschies
  • Beyond "canon". Christian Apocrypha and pilgrimage / Tobias Nicklas
  • Recognizing the Valentinians - now and then / Ismo Dunderberg
  • The Nazarenes : orthodox heretics with an apocryphal canonical gospel? / Petri Luomanen
  • The Protevangelium of James and the Infancy Gospel of Thomas : orthodoxy from above or heterodoxy from below? / Reidar Aasgaard
  • Lacerated lips and lush landscapes: constructing this-worldly theological identities in the otherworld / Meghan Henning
  • Wie "apokryph" ist das Evangelium nach Maria? Über die Schwierigkeiten einer Verortung / Judith Hartenstein
  • The figure of Seth in Jewish and early Christian writings. Was there a "Sethian gnosticism"? / Jens Schröter
  • What's in a name? How "apocryphal" are the "apocryphal gospels"? / Christopher Tuckett
  • Notions of orthodoxy in early Christian martyrdom literature / Candida R. Moss
  • The embroidered garment : Egyptian perspectives on 'apocryphity' and 'orthodoxy' / Jacques van der Vliet
  • Menschenschöpfung und urzeitlicher Teufelsfall in Überlieferungen der Falascha. Der erste Teil von Teezâza Sanbat in der von Halevy veröffentlichten Version / Jan Dochhorn
  • Slavonic pseudepigrapha, Nubia, and the Syrians / Basil Lourié
  • The reception of apocryphal texts in Medieval Ireland / John Carey
  • Models of the relation between "apocrypha" and "orthodoxy". From antiquity to modern scholarship / Christoph Markschies
  • Beyond "canon". Christian Apocrypha and pilgrimage / Tobias Nicklas
  • Recognizing the Valentinians - now and then / Ismo Dunderberg
  • The Nazarenes : orthodox heretics with an apocryphal canonical gospel? / Petri Luomanen
  • The Protevangelium of James and the Infancy Gospel of Thomas : orthodoxy from above or heterodoxy from below? / Reidar Aasgaard
  • Lacerated lips and lush landscapes: constructing this-worldly theological identities in the otherworld / Meghan Henning
  • Wie "apokryph" ist das Evangelium nach Maria? Über die Schwierigkeiten einer Verortung / Judith Hartenstein
  • The figure of Seth in Jewish and early Christian writings. Was there a "Sethian gnosticism"? / Jens Schröter
  • What's in a name? How "apocryphal" are the "apocryphal gospels"? / Christopher Tuckett
  • Notions of orthodoxy in early Christian martyrdom literature / Candida R. Moss
  • The embroidered garment : Egyptian perspectives on 'apocryphity' and 'orthodoxy' / Jacques van der Vliet
  • Menschenschöpfung und urzeitlicher Teufelsfall in Überlieferungen der Falascha. Der erste Teil von Teezâza Sanbat in der von Halevy veröffentlichten Version / Jan Dochhorn
  • Slavonic pseudepigrapha, Nubia, and the Syrians / Basil Lourié
  • The reception of apocryphal texts in Medieval Ireland / John Carey