Table of Contents:
  • Prologue: Thus have I heard: an American sutra
  • 1. America: a nation of religious freedom?
  • December 7, 1941
  • American Buddhism: migrations to freedom
  • Buddhism as a national security threat
  • Surveilling Buddhism
  • Compiling registries
  • 2. Martial law in the land of aloha
  • Buddhist life under martial law
  • Camps in the land of aloha
  • 3. Japanese America under siege
  • War hysteria
  • Tightening the noose
  • Executive Order 9066
  • The forced "relocation"
  • 4. Camp Dharma
  • The Dharma in the high-security camps
  • Lotus blossoms above muddy water
  • 5. Sangha behind barbed wire
  • Horse stable Buddhism
  • "Barrack churches" in camp
  • 6. Reinventing American Buddhism
  • Adapting Buddhism
  • Sect and trans-sect
  • Interfaith cooperation
  • Rooting the Sangha
  • 7. Onward Buddhist soldiers
  • Richard Sakakida, American spy
  • The military intelligence service (mis)
  • Draftees and volunteers
  • The 100th Battalion
  • The 442nd Regimental Combat Team
  • 8. Loyalty and the draft
  • The loyalty questionnaire
  • Tule Lake Segregation Center
  • Leave clearance and the draft
  • 9. Combat in Europe
  • Dog tags
  • Chaplains
  • Fallen soldiers
  • 10. The resettlement
  • Return to a hostile West Coast
  • Temples as homes
  • Resettling in Hawai'i and Japan
  • Buddhism in America's heartland
  • Epilogue: The stones speak: an American sutra