Table of Contents:
  • Author's preface to the Russian edition
  • Author's preface to the English edition
  • Translator's note
  • Introduction [1. Scope of this book
  • 2. Historical conditions of the development of philosophy in Russia
  • 3. The concept of philosophy in general
  • 4. General features of Russian philosophy
  • 5. The anthropocentrism of Russian philosophy
  • 6. The independence of Russian philosophy
  • 7. Impossibility of eliminating value judgments in historical research
  • 8. Division into periods of the history of Russian philosophy
  • 9. Survey of historical works on the history of Russian philosophy]
  • 1. Up to the time of Peter the Great [1. The influence of Byzantium
  • 2. Creative movements in Russian culture
  • 3. Mystical realism
  • 4. Characteristic features of Russian religiosity
  • 5. Ascetic and devout 'folly' and its place in the religious life of old Russia
  • 6. Fundamental ideological searchings up to the sixteenth century
  • 7. The doctrine of Moscow
  • the Third Rome
  • 8. The problem of the state in the ecclesiastical consciousness; internal differentiation in the latter
  • 9. The first germinations of the idea of 'natural law'
  • 10. The Rasjkol (Schism)
  • 11. Disintegration of the traditional world-view]
  • II. The eighteenth century. The crisis in the ecclesiastical consciousness. The philosophy of Skovoroda [1. The beginning of secularization
  • 2. The Moscow Theological Academy
  • 3. Moscow moves toward secularization
  • 4. The secularization of state power
  • 5. Saint Tychon of Zadonsk
  • 6. Starets Paisius Velichkovski
  • 7. G.S. Skovoroda. Biography
  • 8. Skovoroda as a religious thinker
  • 9. His epistemological dualism
  • 10. Skovoroda's anthropology
  • 11. His metaphysics
  • 12. Skovoroda's ethics
  • 13. Appraisal of Skovoroda's philosophy]
  • III. The beginning of secular culture in Russia. Philosophic trends in eighteenth-century Russia [1. General features of Russian life in the eighteenth century
  • 2. Basic philosophic trends in Russia during this period
  • 3. Russian 'Voltairism'
  • 4. The genesis of Russian radicalism
  • 5. The rise of social doctrines
  • 6. Tatishchev, Shcherbatov
  • 7. The rise of freemasonry. Novikov
  • 8. Radishchev. Biography
  • 9. Philosophical influences on his thinking
  • 10. Radishchev's epistemological views. His anthropology
  • 11. General appraisal of Radishchev's ideas
  • 12. Lomonosov
  • 13. Religio-philosophical searchings in freemasonry
  • 14. Enthusiasm for nature-philosophy in freemasonry
  • 15. Philosophy in the Theological Academies of the eighteenth century]
  • IV. Philosophy and its fate in the higher schools. Early nineteenth-century mysticism. Early Schellingism. The new humanism [1. Influence of the Theological Academies
  • 2. Philosophy in Moscow University
  • 3. Mysticism in Russian society at the beginning of the nineteenth century
  • 4. Labzin
  • 5. Speranski
  • 6. Western influences in Russia
  • 7. Vellanski. Biography. Theoretical constructions
  • 8. Minor Russian Schellingians
  • 9. Individual philosophers of this period in Russia
  • 10. Karamzin
  • 11. Zhukovski]
  • V. 'The young men of the archives.' Venevitinov. Prince Odoyevski. Chaadayev [1. Influence of the War of 1812
  • 2. Philosophical circles in Moscow
  • 3. Venevitinov
  • 4. Odoyevski. Biography
  • 5. Odoyevski's anthropology
  • 6. Man's inner world
  • 7. 'Russian Nights'
  • 8. Humanism
  • 9. The third period in Odoyevski's life and creative activity
  • 10. Chaadayev. Biography
  • 11. Influences on Chaadayev
  • 12. Chaadayev's religious world
  • 13. His anthropology
  • 14. Providentialism
  • 15. General appraisal]
  • VI. The return to the ecclesiastical world-view. Gogol. The beginning of 'Slavophilism'. Khomyakov [1. The return to the ecclesiastical world-view
  • 2. Gogol
  • 3. The critique of humanism
  • 4. The idea of an Orthodox culture
  • 5. General remarks on Slavophilism. Khomyakov. Biography
  • 6. Influences on Khomyakov
  • 7. The basic point of departure of Khomyakov's philosophy
  • 8. Anthropology
  • 9. Epistemology
  • 10. Ontology and cosmology
  • 11. Historiosophy
  • 12. General appraisal]
  • VII. Kireyevski, Samarin, Aksakov [1. The basic themes of Slavophilism
  • 2. Kireyevski. Biography
  • 3. Kireyevski's religious world
  • 4. Anthropology
  • 5. Epistemology
  • 6. Historical views
  • 7. General characterization
  • 8. Samarin. Biography
  • 9. Anthropology
  • 10. Epistemological views. General appraisal
  • 11. K. Aksakov. General characterization of Aksakov
  • 12. Philosophy among the Slavophiles]
  • VIII. The Hegelian Circles. N.V. Stankevich. M.A. Bakunin. V.G. Belinski [1. General remarks
  • 2. N.V. Stankevich
  • 3. M.A. Bakunin. Biography
  • 4. Fichtean period. Study of Hegel
  • 5. The crisis in Bakunin's philosophic searchings
  • 6. General appraisal
  • 7. Belinski. The dispute concerning his work
  • 8. Biography
  • 9. The Hegelian period
  • 10. The critique of Hegel. Belinski's ethicism]
  • IX. A.I. Herzen [1. General remarks
  • 2. Biography
  • 3. First period in the development of Herzen's world-view (mysticism, Schellingism)
  • 4. Herzen's Hegelianism
  • 5. The philosophy of chance
  • 6. Historiosophical alogism
  • 7. The critique of Western culture. Herzen's tragic world-view]
  • X. The philosophic movement in the Russian Theological Schools during the first half of the nineteenth century. (Golubinski, Sidonski, Karpov, Avsenev, Gogotski, Yurkevich, et al.) [1. Philosophy in the theological schools
  • 2. F.A. Golubinski. Biography
  • 3. His fundamental ideas (epistemology)
  • 4. Ontology and anthropology
  • 5. F.F. Sidonski
  • 6. I.M. Skvortsov
  • 7. V.N. Karpov
  • 8. P.S. Avsenev
  • 9. S.S. Gogotski
  • 10. P.D. Yurkevich
  • 11. Archimandrite Bukharev]
  • XI. The crisis in Russian life. The period of Alexander II. The beginnings of positivism and materialism in Russian philosophy. Chernyshevski and his followers. The further evolution of radicalism in the 1870's. Chaikovski and the 'god-men' [1. General remarks
  • 2. The growth of radicalism
  • 3. N.G. Chernyshevski. Biography
  • 4. Influences on Chernyshevski
  • 5. The Anthropological Principle
  • 6. Ethics
  • 7. Chernyshevski's aesthetics
  • 8. Historiosophical views
  • 9. D.I. Pisarev
  • 10. N.V. Chaikovski]
  • XII. 'Semi-positivism' in nineteenth-century Russian philosophy. K.D. Kavelin. P.L. Lavrov. N.K. Mikhailovski. N.I. Kareyev [1. General characterization of 'semi-positivism'
  • 2. K.D. Kavelin. His philosophic views
  • 3. P.L. Lavrov. Biography
  • 4. The primacy of ethics
  • 5. Lavrov's anthropologism
  • 6. Doctrine of the individual
  • 7. Philosophy of history
  • 8. General characterization of Lavrov's philosophy
  • 9. N.K. Mikhailovski. Biography. The primacy of ethics
  • 10. Personalism
  • 11. Mikhailovski's anthropology
  • 12. The category of 'possibility' in the philosophy of history
  • 13. Epistemology
  • 14. N.K. Kareyev. His philosophic views]
  • XIII. The overcoming of the secular orientation on a foundation of naturalism and positivism. N.I. Pirogov. L.N. Tolstoy [1. The overcoming of secularism on Russian soil
  • 2. N.I. Pirogov. Biography
  • 3. The metaphysics of thought and the critique of materialism according to Pirogov
  • 4. The doctrine of 'universal reason'
  • 5. Epistemological views
  • 6. Doctrine of man
  • 7. General appraisal of Pirogov's philosophic views
  • 8. L.N. Tolstoy. General remarks
  • 9. Biography
  • 10. The question of philosophical influences on Tolstoy
  • 11. Tolstoy's panmoralism
  • 12. The problem of the individual
  • 13. The philosophy of culture
  • 14. Tolstoy's importance as a thinker]
  • XIV. The 'Pochvenniki'. Apollon Grigoryev. N.N. Strakhov. F.M. Dostoyevsky [1. The 'cult of primitive immediacy' (pochvennichestvo) as an intellectual trend
  • 2. Apollon Grigoryev. Biography
  • 3. Philosophic views
  • 4. N.N. Strakhov. Biography. Influence of Hegel
  • 5. Strakhov's cosmology and anthropology
  • 6. Dostoyevsky. His place in the history of Russian thought. Biography
  • 7. Dostoyevsky's religious world
  • 8. Dostoyevsky's anthropology
  • 9. Ethical views
  • 10. Aesthetic views
  • 11. Historiosophical views
  • 12. General appraisal]
  • XV. K.N. Leontyev. V.V. Rozanov [1. General remarks
  • 2. K.N. Leontyev. Biography
  • 3. Influences on Leontyev
  • 4. The dialectic of his religious consciousness
  • 5. Anthropology
  • 6. Ethical views
  • 7. Historiosophical views
  • 8. General appraisal
  • 9. V.V. Rozanov. Biography
  • 10. His spiritual evolution
  • 11. Rozanov's anthropology
  • 12. Historical views
  • 13. 'Mystical pantheism'
  • 14. General appraisal
  • 15. Concluding remarks on the second period in the development of Russian philosophy]