Table of Contents:
  • Overview
  • Stars around us
  • Our dependence on the sun
  • Sun's inconstancy
  • Intruders from afar
  • What gets by
  • Voyages of discovery in an age of exploration
  • New appreciation
  • Consequences
  • Interconnected system
  • Sun
  • Sun as a star
  • Voyage to the sun
  • Perpetual combustion
  • Hidden source of solar energy
  • Delayed delivery
  • Radiant energy from the sun
  • How constant is and was the sun?
  • Metered sunshine
  • First who saw the face of the sun
  • Long watch
  • Sun that we can see
  • Photosphere
  • Sunspots
  • Bright faculae
  • Beneath the shining surface: the bubble machine
  • Lifting the veil: the unseen sun
  • Sun's chromosphere's and corona
  • How we see the corona and chromosphere
  • Solar Wind & Solar Variability
  • Solar wind
  • Sources and characteristics of the solar wind
  • Solar variability
  • Why the sun varies
  • Short- and long-term changes in solar activity
  • Solar explosions and eruptions
  • Explosive solar flares
  • Solar prominences and filaments
  • Coronal mass ejections
  • Near-Earth Environment
  • Protected planet
  • Air above us
  • Changes on the way to the top
  • Troposphere
  • Stratosphere
  • Mesosphere and thermosphere
  • Ionized upper atmosphere
  • End of the atmosphere
  • Into the magnetosphere
  • Form and function of the magnetosphere
  • Paths that particles follow
  • Captive particles in the magnetosphere
  • Earth's radiation belts
  • Plasmasphere
  • Heliosphere
  • Cruising the heliosphere
  • Fluctuations In Solar Radiation At The Earth
  • Changes in total solar irradiance
  • Variability in different parts of the spectrum
  • Effects of the sun's rotation
  • Effects of the Earth's orbit
  • Lost in transit: the fate of solar radiation in the Earth's atmosphere
  • Variation In The Flow Of Particles At The Earth
  • Nature of arriving particles
  • Solar sources
  • Particles borne outward in CMEs
  • Particles from solar flare
  • Solar wind plasma
  • Characteristics of slow solar wind streams
  • High-speed solar wind streams
  • Sectors in the sun's extended magnetic field
  • Pushing and shoving on the way to the Earth
  • When solar particles strike the Earth
  • Through the guarded gates
  • Magnetic reconnection
  • Effects of changes in the Earth's magnetic field
  • Cosmic rays
  • Fate of cosmic rays
  • Impacts Of Solar Variability
  • Solar causes, terrestrial impacts, and social effects
  • Impacts on near-Earth space
  • Magnetic storms
  • Aurora
  • Impacts on the upper atmosphere
  • Perturbing the Earth's electric field
  • Restructuring the ionosphere
  • Disturbing the biosphere: the lower atmosphere, oceans, and land surface
  • Effects On Human Life And Endeavor
  • What is affected
  • Some specific societal effects
  • Exposure of aircraft passengers and crews
  • Risks to manned space flight
  • Ocean of air
  • Enhanced ultraviolet and X-ray radiation
  • Solar X-rays
  • Sun intensely bright
  • Solar energetic particles and cosmic rays
  • Physiological effects of ionizing radiation
  • Importance of dosage
  • Disaster that almost happened
  • Impacts on spacecraft, space equipment and on observations of the Earth from space
  • Times of particular hazard
  • Flight paths of greatest risk
  • Spacecraft at the Lagrangian Points of the sun-earth system
  • Polar orbits and the South Atlantic anomaly
  • Geosynchronous and geostationary orbits
  • Destructive particles from the sun and the Earth's radiation belts
  • Cosmic rays
  • Atmospheric drag
  • Impacts on micro-circuits and computer systems
  • Damage to other space equipment
  • Protecting against damage from high-energy particles
  • Impacts on telecommunications, GPS, and navigation
  • Direct and indirect reception of radio waves
  • Role of the sun and solar variations
  • Impacts on GPS and other navigation systems
  • Effects on electric power transmission
  • Power blackout of 1989
  • How magnetic storms disrupt power systems
  • Where solar-driven power outages most often occur
  • Effects of geomagnetically-induced currents on the cost of electricity
  • Early signs of solar interference in communications
  • Effects of GICS on telecommunciations cables
  • Damage to pipelines
  • Impacts of geomagnetic storms on geological surveys and explorations
  • Effects Of The Sun On Weather And Climate
  • Brief history
  • Missing pieces
  • Metering the energy the Earth receives
  • Recovering the past history of the Sun
  • Effects of solar spectral radiation
  • Sensitivity of climate to solar fluctuations
  • 11-year solar forcing
  • Solar forcing of the oceans
  • Hidden diaries of the ancient sun
  • Fate of carbon-14
  • Beryllium-10 in ice cores
  • Marks of the sun on North Atlantic climate during the last 11,000 years
  • Forecasting Space Weather At The Earth And Beyond
  • Space weather
  • Predictions
  • Sources of needed data
  • Available warning times
  • Especial needs for manned space exploration
  • Current capabilities
  • Operational facilities
  • Heliophysics System Observatory
  • Reflections
  • Solar misbehavior
  • What has changed?
  • Sun and global warming
  • Acknowledgment
  • Appendices
  • Glossary of technical terms
  • Sources for additional information
  • Tables
  • Images and Illustrations
  • Index