The valiant resolution of the sea-men : listed under the commaund of the Earle of VVarwicke, who upon Munday last most valiantly slew many of the cavaliers, that were comming from Kingston to take Sion-house. and how they were constrayned to sinke their two ships; because the cavaliers should not take their ordnance. Also a true relation of the meeting of both armies betwene Brainford and Acton shewing the behaviour the Lord Robert, upou [sic] Brainford Bridge: slaying many of the cavaliers with small losse of his owne forces. VVith the most valianr [sic] service of Colonell Hampden, and Collonell Hollis, against Prince Rupert upon Turnham Greene, together vvith the most barbarous cruelty of of [sic] diverse cavaliers, upon Mr, Peircy his wife at Acton

Bibliographic Details
Format: Book
Published: London : printed by Thomas Hanson, November 16. 1642
London : Printed for Thomas Hanson, November 16. 1642
Series:Thomason Tracts ; 22:E.12719
Thomason Tracts ; 22:E.127[19]

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