Table of Contents:
  • ^ Andrew Charlesworth
  • The levitation of copyright : an economic view of digital home copying, levies and DRM / Kamiel J. Koelman
  • International copyright law and proposals for non-voluntary licenses regarding P2P file sharing / Alexander Peukert
  • Concurrence and convergence of rights : the concerns of the U.S. Supreme Court / Graeme B. Dinwoodie
  • Concurrence and convergence in industrial design : 3-dimensional shapes excluded by trade mark law / Antoon Quaedvlieg
  • Following the Lego brick road : the doctrine of functionality under Canadian trademark law / Myra J. Tawfik
  • Overlapping intellectual property protection and the proportionality principle in international trade regulation / Guido Westkamp
  • Copyright and the public domain in Europe, room for new opportunities or an ever tighter fit? / Madeleine de Cock Buning
  • Notes on the public domain / Abraham Drassinower
  • Creating a scientific research commons : practical experience / Charlotte Waelde
  • Bearing cultural distinction : informational capitalism and new expectations for intellectual property / Rosemary J. Coombe, Steven Schnoor and Mohsen Al Attar Ahmed
  • Requisitioning the existence of the Indonesian copyright regime in protecting cultural property / L.M. Hayyan ul Haq
  • Bumps and bends in the road to intellectual property for traditional knowledge / Jerzy Koopman
  • Tradition v trade marks : the New Zealand Trade Marks Act 2002 / Daphne Zografos
  • Merchandising in Europe between exploitation and ownership / Federica Gioia
  • Trademark protection for celebrities in the United States : developments in the law of false endorsement / Marshall Leaffer
  • Trademark protection for personalities and characters / Ng-Loy Wee Loon
  • New paradigm in patent law : the 'vertical' concept of technology / Reiner B. Bakels
  • Patent and copyright paradigms vis-à-vis derivative innovation : the case of computer programs / Gustavo Ghidini and Emanuela Arezzo
  • Technology, patents and business methods / Andries van der Merwe
  • DRM : the straw to break the back of procrustean approaches to copyright / Andrew Charlesworth
  • Levitation of copyright : an economic view of digital home copying, levies and DRM / Kamiel J. Koelman
  • International copyright law and proposals for non-voluntary licenses regarding P2P file sharing / Alexander Peukert
  • Concurrence and convergence of rights : the concerns of the U.S. Supreme Court / Graeme B. Dinwoodie
  • Concurrence and convergence in industrial design : 3-dimensional shapes excluded by trade mark law / Antoon Quaedvlieg
  • Following the Lego brick road : the doctrine of functionality under Canadian trademark law / Myra J. Tawfik
  • Overlapping intellectual property protection and the proportionality principle in international trade regulation / Guido Westkamp
  • Copyright and the public domain in Europe, room for new opportunities or an ever tighter fit? / Madeleine de Cock Buning
  • Notes on the public domain / Abraham Drassinower
  • Creating a scientific research commons : practical experience / Charlotte Waelde
  • Bearing cultural distinction : informational capitalism and new expectations for intellectual property / Rosemary J. Coombe, Steven Schnoor and Mohsen Al Attar Ahmed
  • Requisitioning the existence of the Indonesian copyright regime in protecting cultural property / L.M. Hayyan ul Haq
  • Bumps and bends in the road to intellectual property for traditional knowledge / Jerzy Koopman
  • Tradition v trade marks : the New Zealand Trade Marks Act 2002 / Daphne Zografos
  • Merchandising in Europe between exploitation and ownership / Federica Gioia
  • Trademark protection for celebrities in the United States : developments in the law of false endorsement / Marshall Leaffer
  • Trademark protection for personalities and characters / Ng-Loy Wee Loon
  • New paradigm in patent law : the 'vertical' concept of technology / Reiner B. Bakels
  • Patent and copyright paradigms vis-à-vis derivative innovation : the case of computer programs / Gustavo Ghidini and Emanuela Arezzo
  • Technology, patents and business methods / Andries van der Merwe
  • DRM : the straw to break the back of procrustean approaches to copyright / Andrew Charlesworth
  • The levitation of copyright : an economic view of digital home copying, levies and DRM / Kamiel J. Koelman
  • International copyright law and proposals for non-voluntary licenses regarding P2P file sharing / Alexander Peukert
  • Concurrence and convergence of rights : the concerns of the U.S. Supreme Court / Graeme B. Dinwoodie
  • Concurrence and convergence in industrial design : 3-dimensional shapes excluded by trade mark law / Antoon Quaedvlieg
  • Following the Lego brick road : the doctrine of functionality under Canadian trademark law / Myra J. Tawfik
  • Overlapping intellectual property protection and the proportionality principle in international trade regulation / Guido Westkamp
  • Copyright and the public domain in Europe, room for new opportunities or an ever tighter fit? / Madeleine de Cock Buning
  • Notes on the public domain / Abraham Drassinower
  • Creating a scientific research commons : practical experience / Charlotte Waelde
  • Bearing cultural distinction : informational capitalism and new expectations for intellectual property / Rosemary J. Coombe, Steven Schnoor and Mohsen Al Attar Ahmed