Table of Contents:
  • I. Epigram and Anthology
  • II. The Garlands and the Cycle
  • III. Some Dates
  • IV. Rufinus, Diogenian, Ausonius: A Fourth-Century Greek Anthology
  • V. The Palatine Manuscript and its Scribes
  • VI. Cephalas
  • VII. The Syllogae Minores
  • VIII. The Appendix Barberino-Vaticana
  • IX. Laurentianus XXXII. 16
  • X. The Sylloge Parisina
  • XI. The Sylloge Euphemiana and [Sigma][superscript [pi]]
  • XII. The Suda
  • XIII. Arethas and Cephalas
  • XIV. Constantine Porphyrogenitus
  • XV. AP XV, Constantine the Rhodian and J
  • XVI. Conclusion
  • App. I. Marc. gr. 481 and BM Add. 16409
  • App. II. BM Add. 16409 and Par. gr. 2744
  • App. III. The two exemplars of Marc. gr. 481
  • App. IV. Laur. 91. 8 and 32. 50
  • App. V. The Soros
  • App. VI. Planudea IV: Urbinas gr. 125
  • App. VII. P. Oxy. 3724
  • App. VIII. The Peplos