The treasury of religious verse /

Bibliographic Details
Other Authors: Kauffman, Donald T. (Compiler)
Format: Book
Published: [Westwood, New Jersey] : Revell, [1962]
Table of Contents:
  • I. God of glory : 1. All nature sings : This is my Father's world / Malthie D. Babcock
  • Pippa's song / Robert Browning
  • My heart leaps up / William Wordworth
  • From Song of myself / Walt Whitman
  • My garden / Thomas Edward Brown
  • The Holy of Holies / G.K. Chesteerton
  • From Endymion / John Keats
  • A prayer / Edwin Markham
  • From Rules and lessons / Henry Vaughan
  • The higher Pantheism / Alfred Tennyson
  • High flight / Pilot Officer John Gillespie Magee, Jr., R.C.A.F.
  • At little Virgil's window / Edwin Markham
  • When I heard the learn'd astronomer / Walt Whitman
  • The rhodora / Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • The day returns / Robert Louis Stevenson
  • The camp hymn / Mary S. Edgar
  • Flower in the crannied wall / Alfred Tennyson
  • From Aurora Leigh / Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • Dawn / Frank Dempster
  • Mysteries / Emily Dickinson
  • Out in the fields with God / Author unknown
  • God is at the anvil / Lew Sarett
  • From The divine comedy / Dante Alighieri
  • Wind in the pine / Lew Sarett
  • Hyacinths to feed thy soul / Gulistan of Moslih Eddin Saadi
  • Day is dying in the west / Mary A. Lathbury
  • The unknown God / Henry Francis Lyte
  • From Auguries of innocence / William Blake
  • To the evening star / Thomas Campbell
  • The tiger / William Blake
  • The manuscripts of God / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  • By the sea / William Wordsworth
  • Nature / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  • 2. The divine presence : To God / Robert Herrick
  • By thy life I live / Madame Jeanne Marie Guyon
  • The secret / Ralph Spaulding Cushman
  • "Give us this day our daily bread" / Malthie Babcock
  • From Tintern Abbey / William Wordsworth
  • Fragment / Henry Vaughan
  • Where is Heaven? / Bliss Carman
  • Begin the day with God / Author unknown
  • Take my heart / St. Augustine of Hippo
  • Omnipresence / Edward Everett Hale
  • Lost and found / George Macdonald
  • Hymn / Paul Laurence Dunbar
  • Lines written in her breviary / St. Theresa (translated by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow)
  • Round our restlessness / Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • The handiwork of God / Author unknown
  • Wings / Victor Hugo
  • Our burden bearer / Phillips Brooks
  • Milton's prayer for patience / Elizabeth Lloyd Howell
  • What God hath promised / Annie Johnson Flint
  • After St. Augustine / Mary Elizabeth Coleridge
  • The ancient thought / Watson Kerr
  • The shepherd boy's song / John Bunyan
  • A prayer / John Oxenham
  • Aridity / Michael Field
  • From At the end of things / Arthur Edward White
  • Sunrise / Margaret E. Sangster
  • Our help (Psalm 124:8)
  • The shadows / George Macdonald
  • 3. God's love and mercy : The Lord's my shelter (Scottish psalter)
  • On the Twenty-third psalm / Author unknown
  • Comfort / Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • Love / George Herbert
  • From The eternal goodness / John Greenleaf Whittier
  • The all-embracing / Frederick W. Faber
  • The toys / Coventry Patmore
  • Out of the vast / Augustus Wright Babberger
  • Consider / Christina Rossetti
  • God's garden / Richard Burton
  • He giveth more / Annie Johnson Flint
  • I sought the Lord / Author unknown
  • How gentle God's commands / Philip Doddridge
  • From An epistle / Robert Browning
  • Let us with a gladsome mind / John Milton
  • O love that wilt not let me go / George Matheson
  • 4. The word of the Lord : The bard / William Blake
  • The word / Richard Realf
  • O word of God incarnate / William Walsham How
  • In the garden of the Lord / Helen Keller
  • From The light and glory of the world / William Cowper
  • From The rock / T.S. Eliot
  • The nineteenth psalm (Holy Bible)
  • The Book / Winifred Ernest Garrison
  • A bit of the Book / Margaret E. Sangster
  • The Book our mothers read; In earthen vessels / John Greenleaf Whittier
  • More truth and light / John Robinson (to the Pilgrims)
  • God's Word / John Clifford
  • The Bible / Sir Walter Scott
  • The world's Bible / Annie Johnson Flint
  • Of the incomparable treasures of the scriptures / Author unknown
  • 5. The greatness and glory of God : From Enoch Arden / Alfred Tennyson
  • The one thousandth psalm / Edward Everett Hale
  • Hymn of joy / Gerard Manley Hopkins
  • From The marshes of Glynn / Sidney Lanier
  • God makes a path / Roger Williams
  • Thanksgiving / Angela Morgan
  • Immanence; Transcendence / Richard Hovey
  • God the architect / Harry Kemp
  • Belief in plan of thee / Walt Whitman
  • I yield thee praise / Philip Jerome Cleveland
  • The Lord is good to all (Holy Bible, Psalm 145:9)
  • God of the earth, the sky, the sea / Samuel Longfellow
  • Silence / Charles Hanson Towne
  • Each in his own tongue / William Herbert Carruth
  • From Samson agonistes / John Milton
  • What is the world? / John Dryden
  • My morning song . George Macdonald
  • II. Mankind : 6. Desperation and yearning : Epitaph, found somewhere in space / Hugh Wilgus Ramsaur
  • From The rock / T.S. Eliot
  • Enough not one / Benjamin Franklin
  • From On this island / W.H. Auden
  • From Shine, perishing republic / Robinson Jeffers
  • From Macbeth / William Shakespeare
  • From In memory of W.B. Yeats / W.H. Auden
  • On some trees needlessly slain / Stanton A. Coblentz
  • God / Gamaliel Bradford
  • From The rock / T.S. Eliot
  • Dover Beach / Matthew Arnold
  • From Night / James Oppenheim
  • The man with the hoe / Edwin Markham
  • The Jew to Jesus / Florence Kiper Frank
  • From For the time being / W.H. Auden
  • The debt / Paul Laurence Dunbar
  • Guilty / Marguerite Wilkinson
  • Indifference / G.A. Studdert-Kennedy
  • Earth's night / William Allingham
  • Vanity of vanities / Palladas (translated by M. Hardinge)
  • From Essay on man / Alexander Pope
  • Chorus / Algernon Charles Swinburne
  • From Leaves of grass / Walt Whitman
  • On the birth of his son / Su Tung-p'o (translated by Arthur Waley)
  • Past and present / Thomas Hood
  • From Macbeth / William Shakespeare
  • From On this day I complete my thirty-sixth year / George Gordon, Lord Byron
  • Caliban in the coal mines / Louis Untermeyer
  • Written in early Spring / William Wordsworth
  • From The rubáiyát of Omar Khayám / Edward Fitzgerald
  • Life's chequer-board / John Oxenham
  • The news / Sec
  • All is vanity Holy Bible, (Ecclesiastes 1:14-15; 3:19)
  • From In memoriam / Alfred Tennyson
  • 7. Remorse and repentance : I saw God wash the world / William L. Stidger
  • The look; The meaning of the look / Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • A last prayer / Helen Hunt Jackson
  • The doomed man / Joseph Addison Alexander
  • The gifts of God / George Herbert
  • The battle within / Christina Rossetti
  • L'envoi / Frederic L. Knowles
  • His prayer for absolution / Robert Herrick
  • The sin of omission / Margaret E. Sangster
  • Sometimes / Thomas S. Jones, Jr.
  • The touch of the master's hand / Myra Brooks Welch
  • The hound of heaven / Francis Thompson
  • 8. Challenge and decision : Get somebody else / Paul Laurence Dunbar
  • From Saint Paul / Frederic W.H. Myers
  • Life / Edward Rowland Sill
  • Be true / Horatius Bonar
  • He doeth all things well / Anne Brontë
  • From Hamlet / William Shakespeare
  • The last defile / Amy Carmichael
  • From Prologue of Faust / John Anster
  • Judgement Day / John Oxenham
  • I bind my heart / Lauchlan MacLean Watt
  • The ways / John Oxenham
  • From The gate of the year / M. Louise Haskins
  • The middle-time / Lona M. Fowler
  • From Bishop Blougram's apology / Robert Browning
  • Quo vadis? / Myles Connolly
  • They that wait upon the Lord / Isaiah the Prophet (Holy Bible, Isaiah 40:28-31)
  • 9. Quest and adventure : He whom a dream hath possessed / Shaemus O'Sheel
  • Prayer / Henry van Dyke
  • Builders / Purd E. Deitz
  • Earth is enough / Edwin Markham
  • Victoria / Henry van Dyke
  • From Guinevere; From Ulysses / Alfred Tennyson
  • From The passage to India; From Prayer of Columbus / Walt Whitman
  • In spite of sorrow / Adoniram Judson
  • Awake, awake to love and work / G.A. Studdert-Kennedy
  • From Stopping by the woods on a snowy evening / Robert Frost
  • From Rhymes of a rolling stone / Robert W. Service
  • Wind and lyre / Edwin Markham
  • A prayer / Margaret Bailey
  • To-day / Angela Morgan
  • We never know how high / Emily Dickinson
  • From Julius Caesar / William Shakespeare
  • The winds of fate / Ella Wheeler Wilcox
  • III. Jesus Christ : 10. The wonder of his coming : The whole year Christmas / Angela Morgan
  • In the bleak midwinter / Christina Rossetti
  • The coming child / Richard Crashaw
  • That holy thing / George Macdonald
  • Eternal Christmas / Elizabeth Stuart Phelps
  • There's a song in the air! / J.G. Holland
  • Far trumpets blowing / Louis F. Benson
  • Let us keep Christmas / Grace Noll Crowell
  • From Christmas antiphones / Algernon Charles Swinburne
  • I saw a stable / Mary Elizabeth Coleridge
  • Shall I be silent? / George Herbert
  • From Auguries of innocence / William Blake
  • Christmas Eve / Author unknown
  • 11. His childhood and youth : The lamb / William Blake
  • Out of bounds / John Banister Tabb
  • Little Jesus / Francis Thompson
  • Child / Carl Sandburg
  • The carpenter / George Macdonald
  • O young and fearless prophet / S. Ralph Harlow
  • O master-workman of the race / Jay T. Stocking
  • 12. His life and ministry : The Christ / John Oxenham
  • Amid the din of earthly strife / Henry Warburton Hawkes
  • My master was so very poor / Harry Lee
  • Break thou the bread of life / Mary A. Lathbury
  • Our master / John Greenleaf Whittier
  • Thou who taught the thronging people / Henry S. Minde
  • Children in the market-place / Henry van Dyke
  • If Christ were here to-night / Margaret W. Sangster
  • Dear master, in whose life I see / John Hunter
  • Comforted / Amy Carmichael
  • The carpenter of Galilee / Hilda W. Smith
  • The man Christ / Therese Lindsey
  • From The crystal / Sidney Lanier
  • 13. His suffering and sacrifice : A ballad of trees and the master / Sidney Lanier
  • Betrayal / Hester H. Cholmondeley
  • Good Friday / Christina Rossetti
  • A thought / Margaret E. Sangster
  • Love is of God / Horatius Bonar
  • From Within and without / George Macdonald
  • Above the hills of time / Thomas Tiplady
  • To keep a true Lent / Robert Herrick
  • Wide open are thy loving hands / Bernard of Clairvaux (translated by C.P. Krauth)
  • I see his blood upon the rose / Joseph Mary Plunkett
  • To search our souls / Jane McKay Lanning
  • His hands / John Richard Moreland
  • We may not know / Cecil F. Alexander
  • In thine own heart / Angelus Silesius
  • There is a man on the cross / Elizabeth Cheney
  • Yet listen now / Amy Carmichael
  • God was in Christ / Paul (Holy Bible, II Corinthians 5:18-21)
  • By him / Ben Jonson
  • 14. The risen Lord : Our Christ / Harry Webb Farrington
  • Easter / George Herbert
  • Easter hymn / Charles Wesley
  • An Easter song / Susan Coolidge
  • If Easter be not true / Henry H. Barstow
  • The head that once was crowned with thorns / Thomas Kelly
  • Easter morning / Edmund Spenser
  • Blessing and honor / Horatius Bonar
  • Grace at evening / Edwin McNeill Poteat
  • 15. Our saviour and our friend : Hymn of labor / Henry van Dyke
  • From The everlasting mercy / John Masefield
  • None other than the lamb / Christina Rossetti
  • A virile Christ / Rex Boundy
  • He that is near me is near the fire / Origen
  • He is a path / Giles Fletcher
  • Approaches / George Macdonald
  • The song of a heathen / Richard Watson Gilder
  • I am the way / Alice Meynell
  • No coming to God without Christ / Robert Herrick
  • From In memoriam / Alfred Tennyson
  • From Saul / Robert Browning
  • From Saint Paul / Frederic W.H. Myers
  • From St. Patrick / Phyllis Garlick
  • Jesus and I / Dan Crawford
  • Fairest Lord Jesus / Author unknown
  • Paul / John Oxenham
  • Him evermore I behold / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  • In sweet communion / John Newton
  • IV. The life of the Spirit : 16. Portals of prayer : Proof / Ethel Romig Fuller
  • Two prayers / Andrew Gillies
  • Thou hast made us for thyself / St. Augustine of Hippo
  • From In memoriam / Alfred Tennyson
  • Thou art coming to a king / John Newton
  • Prayer / Richard Chenevix Trench
  • From Morte d'Arthur / Alfred Tennyson
  • Two went up in the temple to pray / Richard Crashaw
  • What is prayer? / James Montgomery
  • Prayer / George Herbert
  • From Andre Rykman's prayer / Joohn Greenleaf Whittier
  • Indian prayer / Chief Joseph Strongwolf
  • Whirring wheels / John Oxenham
  • St. Francis' prayer / St. Francis of Assisi
  • To my God / George Macdonald
  • For all in pain / Amy Carmichael
  • The celestial surgeon / Robert Louis Stevenson
  • An old Irish blessing / Author unknown
  • God be in my head (Old Sarum Primer)
  • A grace / Thomas Tiplady
  • Prayer for strength / Samuel Johnson
  • Props / John Oxenham
  • Lord, thou hast suffered / Amy Carmichael
  • Give to the winds thy fears / Paul Gerhardt (translated by John Wesley)
  • To the Supreme Being / Michelangelo (translated by William Wordsworth
  • 17. Faith and trust : From the passionate man's pilgrimage / Sir Walter Raleigh
  • The evidence (Holy Bible, Hebrews 11:1)
  • Faith / John Greenleaf Whittier
  • From In memoriam / Alfred Tennyson
  • Faith / Margaret E. Sangster
  • O world / George Santayana
  • Whoso draws nigh to God / Author unknown
  • Chartless / Emily Dickinson
  • Possession / Author unknown
  • Faith / Ella Wheeler Wilcox
  • The poets' simple faith / Victor Hugo
  • A noiseless patient spider / Walt Whitman
  • The faith of Abraham Lincoln / Abraham Lincoln (formulated by Carl Sandburg from Lincoln's own words; from The war years)
  • Overheard in an orchard / Elizabeth Cheney
  • Encouraged / Paul Laurence Dunbar
  • Life and love / John Greenleaf Whittier
  • Voyager's prayer / Chippewa Indians
  • Faith / John Banister Tabb
  • The tide of faith / George Eliot
  • The kingdom of God / Francis Thompson
  • Consecration / Author unknown
  • The riddle of the world / John Greenleaf Whittier
  • Faith / Edward Bulwer-Lytton
  • Candle and book / Nina Willis Walter
  • Just for today / Sybil F. Partridge
  • Day by day / Stephen F. Winward
  • As thy days so shall thy strength be / Georgiana Holmes (George Klingle)
  • "With whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning ' / Arthur Hugh Clough
  • The one hundred and twenty-first psalm (Holy Bible)
  • Light shining out of darkness / William Cowper
  • Tune thou my harp / Amy Carmichael
  • 18. Hope for tomorrow : Bide a wee! / John Oxenham
  • Hope / Anna Blake Mezquida
  • The tide shall win / Priscilla Leonard
  • From The battle-field / William Cullen Bryant
  • Hope / Amy Carmichael
  • Say not the struggle nought availeth / Arthur Hugh Clough
  • From At the worst / Angela Morgan
  • From In memoriam / Alfred Tennyson
  • When night is almost done / Emily Dickinson
  • There's a light upon the mountains / Henry Burton
  • From Tales of a wayside inn / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  • The king's highway / John Masefield
  • Jesus return / Henry van Dyke
  • Captain of the years / Arthur R. Macdougall, Jr.
  • From The forty-second psalm (Holy Bible)
  • From In memoriam / Alfred Tennyson
  • From Rabbi Ben Ezra / Robert Browning
  • Evensong / George Tankervil
  • Do we not hear the footfall? / Amy Carmichael
  • The forty-sixth psalm (Holy Bible)
  • 19. The way of love : Where to seek love / William Blake
  • Sonnet 116 / William Shakespeare
  • Outwitted / Edwin Markham
  • Meditation / Toyohiko Kagawa
  • From The rime of the ancient mariner / Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • From A death in the desert / Robert Browning
  • The master-player / Paul Laurence Dunbar
  • Folks need a lot of loving / Strickland Gillilan
  • From The merchant of Venice / William Shakespeare
  • By night / Philip Jerome Cleveland
  • The way / Henry van Dyke
  • My daily creed / Author unknown
  • Theology / Paul Laurence Dunbar
  • At set of sun / George Eliot
  • Love / Paul (Holy Bible, I Corinthians 13)
  • Philosophers have measured mountains / George Herbert
  • Abou Ben Adhem / James Henry Leigh Hunt
  • We are God's chosen few / Jonathan Swift
  • By gentle love / Author unknown
  • 20. Joy and peace within : The place of peace / Edwin Markham
  • Reflections / Edna Becker
  • Joy and peace in believing / William Cowper
  • Sheer joy / Ralph Spaulding Cushman
  • Christ's bondservant / George Matheson
  • Blind but happy / Fanny Crosby (written at the age of eight)
  • He walks at peace / Tao Tê Ching
  • From The Christian soldier / G.A. Studdert-Kennedy
  • There's a wideness in God's mercy / Fredercik W. Faber
  • Calm soul of all things / Matthew Arnold
  • From The everlasting mercy / John Masefield
  • Today / Mary Frances Butts
  • Now and then / Margaret E. Sangster
  • Perfect peace / Isaiah the Prophet (Holy Bible, Isaiah 26:3)
  • Dear Lord and father of mankind / John Greenleaf Whittier
  • The evening star / Amy Carmichael
  • From How can I keep from singing? / Robert Lowry
  • 21. Divine guidance : A hymn after reading "Lead, kindly light" / Paul Laurence Dunbar
  • Voyagers / Henry van Dyke
  • Thy way, not mine / Horatius Bonar
  • From Saint Patrick's breastplate / St. Patrick
  • To a waterfowl / William Cullen Bryant
  • From Not knowing / Mary Gardiner Brainard
  • Be still, my soul / Katherina von Schlegel (translated by Jane L. Borthwick)
  • Evensong / Robert Louis Stevenson
  • Walking with God / William Cowper
  • Obedience / George Macdonald
  • Disappointment / Edith Lillian Young
  • The pillar of the cloud / John Henry Newman
  • The twenty-third psalm (Holy Bible)
  • From An invocation / John Addington Symonds
  • The day
  • the way / John Oxenham
  • Direct this day / Thomas Ken
  • Silence / Samuel Miller Hageman
  • 22. Work, duty, and service : The sweetest lives / Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • I would be true / Howard Arnold Walter
  • Working with God ( from "Stradivarius") / George Eliot
  • On his blindness / John Milton
  • O to be up and doing / Robert Louis Stevenson
  • A teacher's prayer / Frances Ridley Havergal
  • Work / Henry van Dyke
  • Lord of all pots and pans and things ( Attributed to various authors but appears to be reworked from "The divine office of the kitchen" by Cecily Hallack)
  • From Voluntaries / Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • The bridge builder / Will Allen Dromgoole
  • True rest / Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • The job that's crying to be done / Rudyard Kipling
  • We cannot kindle / Matthew Arnold
  • Service / Washington Gladden
  • Your place / John Oxenham
  • Lend a hand / Edward Everett Hale
  • Teach us to serve thee, Lord / St. Ignatius of Loyola
  • Send me / Christina Rossetti
  • The gospel of labor / Henry van Dyke
  • Sonnet vii / John Milton
  • Ode to duty / William Wordsworth
  • Fable / Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • 23. Friendship and fellowship : The best treasure / John J. Moment
  • The blithe mask / Dollett Fuguet
  • All in all; From In memoriam / Alfred Tennyson
  • Remembrance / William Shakespeare
  • The house by the side of the road / Sam Walter Foss
  • I sought my soul / Author unknown
  • From Ulysses / Alfred Tennyson
  • Make friends / Ali Ben Abu Taleb
  • The one hundred and thirty-third psalm (Holy Bible)
  • If I can stop one heart from breaking / Emily Dickinson
  • There is a love / Philip Jerome Cleveland
  • 24. Praise and thanksgiving : I sing the mighty power of God / Isaac Watts
  • Thanksgiving / Margaret E. Sangster
  • A sun-day hymn / Oliver Wendell Holmes
  • The summer days are come again / Samuel Longfellow
  • To a bird after a storm / Henry Vaughn
  • The burning bush / Henry van Dyke
  • From A little te deum of the commonplace / John Oxenham
  • From A song to David / Christopher Smart
  • From In memory of W.B. Yeats / W.H. Auden
  • The one hundredth psalm / Holy Bible
  • From Our prayer of thanks / Carl Sandburg
  • Father, how wide thy glories shine / Charles Wesley
  • The one hundred and fiftieth psalm / Holy Bible
  • To him be the glory / Paul (New English Bible, Romans 12:33-36)
  • Have we not seen thy shining garments hem / Amy Carmichael
  • Praise / Edith Daley
  • From All that dwell below the skies / Isaac Watts
  • A heart to praise thee / George Herbert
  • Index of subjects
  • Index of special days and occasions
  • Index of authors
  • Index of titles and first lines
  • V. The reign of God : 25. Bless this house : Bless this house / Helen Taylor
  • The one hundred and twenty-seventh psalm (Holy Bible)
  • Home (from The death of the hired man) / Robert Frost
  • House and home / Victor Hugo
  • From Prayer for the home / Edgar A. Guest
  • Peace / Margaret E. Sangster
  • Search / Anne Marriott
  • From A little te deum of the commonplace / John Oxenham
  • The housewife / Catherine Cate Coblentz
  • A virtuous woman (Holy Bible, Proverbs 31:10-12, 27-31)
  • The open door / Grace Coolidge
  • They might not need me, but they might / Emily Dickinson
  • The little poem of life / John Oxenham
  • The hundred and twenty-eighth psalm (Holy Bible)
  • In thine arms / Oliver Wendell Holmes
  • 26. Love in the home : How do I love thee? / Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • From The song of Hiawatha / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  • Sonnet twenty-nine / William Shakespeare
  • To my wife / Robert Louis Stevenson
  • Entreat me not to leave thee (Ruth to Naomi, Holy Bible, Ruth 1:16-17)
  • Mother o' mine / Rudyard Kipling
  • I found God / Mary Afton Thacker
  • A child's thought of God / Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • Baby / George Macdonald
  • From Ode on imitations of immortality / William Wordsworth
  • Love / Mary Carolyn Davies
  • 27. Nation under God : Pledge of Allegiance
  • The new Colossus / Emma Lazarus
  • Recessional / Rudyard Kipling
  • Unmanifest destiny / Richard Hovey
  • Peace hymn of the republic / Henry van Dyke
  • From Letter to the governors, June 8, 1783 / George Washington
  • From God send us men / F.J. Gillman
  • The Gettysburg Address / Abraham Lincoln
  • Four things / Author unknown
  • Patriotism / Sir Walter Scott
  • Let us have faith that right makes might / Abraham Lincoln
  • From The deserted village / Oliver Goldsmith
  • A nation's strength; Boston hymn / Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Mine eyes have seen the glory / Julia Ward Howe
  • 28. The church : An angel unawares / Author unknown
  • God's saints / Henry Vaughn
  • From The rock / T.S. Eliot
  • The eighty-fourth psalm (Holy Bible)
  • From Holes in the sky / Louis MacNeice
  • Thou, whose unmeasured temple stands / William Cullen Bryant
  • In hoc signo / Godfrey Fox Bradby
  • From The church porch / George Herbert
  • The church in the heart / Morris Abel Beer
  • There shall always be the church / T.S. Eliot
  • One in Christ / Henry van Dyke
  • City of God / Samuel Johnson
  • The one hundred and twenty-second psalm (Holy Bible)
  • 29. The ministry : From The task / William Cowper
  • From Love breathing thanks and praise / Richard Baxter
  • From The Canterbury tales / Geoffrey Chaucer (translated by H.C. Leonard)
  • The priest of Christ / Thomas Ken
  • Epitaph on a worthy clergyman / Benjamin Franklin
  • From The deserted village / Oliver Goldsmith
  • The preacher's prayer / George Macdonald
  • From The task / William Cowper
  • The hand that held it / W.G. Elmslie
  • From The rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám / Edward FitzGerald
  • The one hundred and thirty-fourth psalm (Holy Bible)
  • 30. Social concern : Turn back, o man / Clifford Box
  • "When I think of the hungry people" / O-Shi-O (Japanese scholar)
  • Love / Yoyohiko Kagawa
  • Midnight / Margaret E. Sangster
  • A lady I know / Countee Cullen
  • From The postern gate / Walter Rauschenbusch
  • We are living, we are dwelling / Arthur C. Coxe
  • From In memoriam / Alfred Tennyson
  • From The vision of Sir Launfal / James Russell Lowell
  • The way, the truth, and the life / Theodore Parker
  • From The Tao Teh King / Author unknown (Chinese)
  • Ultimatum / Peggy Pond Church
  • From The Oxyrhyncus sayings of Jesus
  • They who tread the path of labor / Henry van Dyke
  • Before thy throne / William Boyd Carpenter
  • O, may I join the choir invisible! / George Eliot
  • The Lord's prayer / Jesus (Holy Bible, Matthew 6:9-13)
  • The latest decalogue / Arthur Hugh Clough
  • Right is right / Frederick W. Faber
  • From Sacrifice / Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • The search / James Russell Lowell
  • The father's business / Edwin Markham
  • 31. Justice and righteousness : Wanted / J.G. Holland
  • I am not bound to win / Abraham Lincoln
  • Slaves / James Russell Lowell
  • Said the innkeeper / Myles Connolly
  • Wherewith shall I come before the Lord? / Micah the Prophet (Holy Bible, Micah 6:6-8)
  • A free nation / Edwin Markham
  • Foundations / Henry van Dyke
  • Latimer's light / Author unknown
  • From The present crisis / James Russell Lowell
  • Four things / Henry van Dyke
  • The centuries are his / Georgia Moore Eberling
  • 32. Brotherhood and world peace : If we break faith / Joseph Auslander
  • O brother man / John Greenleaf Whittier
  • From Locksley Hall / Alfred Tennyson
  • Christmas bells / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  • Neither shall they learn war any more / Micah the Prophet (Holy Bible, Micah 4:1-4)
  • From Ballad of East and West / Rudyard Kipling
  • No East or West / John Oxenham
  • For whom the bell tolls / John Donne
  • We bear the strain of earthly care / Ozora S. Davis
  • After Blenheim / Robert Southey
  • Apparitions / Thomas Curtis Clark
  • These things shall be / John A. Symonds
  • The divine image / William Blake
  • God's residence / Emily Dickinson
  • Two at a fireside / Edwin Markham
  • 33. The life everlasting : L'envoi / Rudyard Kipling
  • Crossing the bar / Alfred Tennyson
  • From Last lines / Emily Brontë
  • Some late lark singing / William Ernest Henley
  • From The old astronomer / Sarah Williams
  • Home at last / G.K. Chesterton
  • On time / John Milton
  • The sleep / Elizabeth Barrett Browning
  • If my bark sink / Emily Dickinson
  • "Leaf after leaf" / Walter Savage Landor
  • Epitaph / Sir Walter Raleigh
  • After work / John Oxenham
  • Until the shadows lengthen / John Henry Newman
  • To paths unknown / John Greenleaf Whittier
  • From The chambered nautilus / Oliver Wendell Holmes
  • Prayer before her execution / Mary Queen of Scots
  • Darest thou now o soul / Walt Whitman
  • My ain countree / Mary Demarest
  • From You can't go home again / Thomas Wolfe
  • Away / James Whitcomb Riley
  • Prospice / Robert Browning
  • In him / Annie Johnson Flint
  • When all is done / Paul Laurence Dunbar
  • From Thomas Wolfe's tombstone / Thomas Wolfe
  • Death, be not proud / John Donne
  • The last invocation / Walt Whitman
  • Epitaph / Benjamin Franklin
  • From Thanatopsis / William Cullen Bryant
  • Saon of Acanthus / Callimachus (translated by J.A. Symonds)
  • The chariot / Emily Dickinson
  • From In memoriam / Alfred Tennyson
  • Life / Anna Laetitia Barbauld
  • From Resignation / Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  • Go down, death / James Weldon Johnson
  • Waiting / John Burroughs
  • To Toussaint L'Ouverture / William Wordsworth
  • Eternal life / Henry More
  • God is nigh / Author unknown