Table of Contents:
  • The problem of norms (2) natural law and the doctrine of the orders
  • The problem of natural law
  • Natural law in scholasticism
  • A critique of the Roman Catholic view of natural law
  • 'This world' and its orders
  • Man's relation to the world
  • Theme and method in ethics
  • The three zones of ethical validity
  • The conflict situations as typical of man's ethical relation to the world
  • Compromise as an ethical problem
  • Forms of compromise in the religious sphere
  • Compromise and the limits of truthfulness
  • God's 'compromises' with the world
  • The borderline situation of extreme conflict
  • Meaning and analysis of the borderline situation
  • The commandments of God and the borderline situation
  • The guidance of the Holy Spirit in the given situation
  • Indexes
  • Christian ethics in the age of secularism
  • The challenge of secularism
  • The challenge of humanism
  • Dogmatics and ethics
  • The place of evangelical ethics between the two Aeons
  • The foundational principles of ethics
  • Justification and sanctification
  • Co-ordination of the indicative and the imperative
  • Law and gospel as constant partners
  • The continuing pedagogic significance of the law for believers
  • The command of the Creator and the law for the fallen world
  • The command of creation and the image of God in man
  • The Christological character of the Imago Dei
  • The Evangelical-Roman Catholic debate on Creation and the original state
  • The Evangelical-Roman Catholic debate on justification and grace
  • Implications of the Imago doctrine for evangelical ethics
  • The law of the fallen world
  • The problem of norms (1) Conscience
  • The evangelical view of conscience
  • The impossibility of conscience as a point of contact for the law of God
  • Luther's doctrine of the "Two Kingdoms."
  • Political ethics in the modern world
  • Authority and democracy
  • Authority and totalitarianism
  • Authority and the autonomies
  • The nature of the state
  • Phenomenology of the state
  • Theology of the state
  • Concrete illustrations of the ethical consequences
  • Borderline situations
  • Resistance to state authority
  • Revolution
  • War
  • The theological debate on church and state
  • The message of the church to the world
  • Introduction
  • The duality of man: biblical anthropology of the sexes
  • Eros and agape: theological phenomenology of the human sex relationship
  • Introduction
  • the problem: the interconnection of bios and person in the realm of eros
  • The libido, animan and human
  • The realization of the sex nature
  • The order of marriage
  • The biblical interpretation of marriage
  • The sacramental and the 'worldly' interpretations of marriage. Controversial theological considerations
  • The changed position of woman in the family and in society (the problem of the equality of the sexes)
  • Divorce and the remarriage of divorced persons
  • Borderline situations
  • Birth control (the problem of optional sterility)
  • Interruption of pregnancy (the problem of artificial abortion)
  • Artificial insemination
  • The problem of homosexuality
  • Conclusion
  • v. 1. Foundations
  • v. 2. Politics
  • v. 3. Sex
  • v. 1. Foundations
  • v. 2. Politics
  • v. 3. Sex