Table of Contents:
  • 1. Metaphysics and Scientific Proof: Newton and Hegel / J. W. Garrison
  • 2. The Conflict between Newton's Analysis of Configurations and Hegel's Conceptual Analysis / W. E. Wehrle
  • 3. Analysis, Synthesis and Dialectic: Hegel's Answer to Aristotle, Newton and Kant / R. Pozzo
  • 4. Gravity, Polarity and Dialectical Method / B. Gower
  • 5. Hegel on the Interaction between Science and Philosophy / G. Buchdahl
  • 6. Hegel's Interpretation of Classical Mechanics / H.-H. von Borzeszkowski
  • 7. The Philosophical Background to Hegel's Criticism of Newton / R. Wahsner
  • 8. The Logic of Hegel's Philosophy of Nature / M. Drees
  • 9. Defending Hegel's Philosophy of Nature / A. V. Miller
  • 10. Newton and Hegel: Can Science Explain the Scientist? / S. Priest
  • 11. Newton's Pantokrator and Hegel's Absolute Mind / E. Wolf-Gazo
  • 12. The Method of Exhaustion as a Model for the Calculus / A. W. Moore
  • 13. Hegel on Greek Mathematics and the Modern Calculus / A. Moretto
  • 14. Newton and British Newtonians on the Foundations of the Calculus / N. Guicciardini
  • 15. The Dialectical Structure of Zeno's Arguments / I. Toth
  • 16. Hegel's Heritage in Applied Mathematics: A Plurality of Traditions / I. Grattan-Guinness
  • 17. Hegel on Mathematics and Experimental Science / L. Fleischhacker
  • 18. Inertial and Gravitational Mass: Newton, Hegel and Modern Physics / P. M. Kluit
  • 19. The Problem of Mass in Hegel / D. Wandschneider
  • 20. Pendulums in Newtonian Mechanics / A. Sarlemijn
  • 21. Classifying the Motion: Hegel on the Pendulum / M. J. Petry
  • 22. The Problem of Falling Bodies - from Galilei to Lagrange / A. Moretto
  • 23. Hegel on Galilei's Law of Fall / S. Buttner
  • 24. Eighteenth-Century Conceptions of Gravitation / F. van Lunteren
  • 25. Hegel's Treatment of Universal Gravitation / K.-N. Ihmig
  • 26. The Concept of Force in Eighteenth-Century Mechanics / W. Neuser
  • 27. Hegel's Rejection of the Concept of Force / K.-N. Ihmig
  • 28. Universal Gravitation from Elliptical Orbits / J. B. Brackenridge
  • 29. A Worm in Newton's Apple / R. Weinstock
  • 30. The Significance of Kepler's Laws / M. J. Petry
  • 31. The Early Debate Concerning Wave-Theory / A. Ziggelaar
  • 32. Hegel on Mechanistic Models of Light / B. Falkenburg
  • 33. Newton's Rejection of the Modification Theory of Colour / F. Steinle
  • 34. Hegel's Exposition of Goethe's Theory of Colour / L. Illetterati
  • 35. Newton's Colour-Theory and Perception / F. Steinle
  • 36. Hegel on Shadows and the Blue of the Sky / C. Melica
  • 37. Newtonian Atomism and Eighteenth-Century Chemistry / W. Bonsiepen
  • 38. Chemistry and Hegel's Logic / J. W. Burbidge
  • 39. Newton and Eighteenth-Century Conceptions of Chemical Affinity / C. de Pater
  • 40. The Significance of Hegel's Treatment of Chemical Affinity / H. A. M. Snelders
  • 41. Is Nature Conformable to Herself? / D. Gjertsen
  • 42. Hegel on Chemistry and the Organic Sciences / D. von Engelhardt
  • 43. Hegel's Library: The Works on Mathematics, Mechanics, Optics and Chemistry / A. Mense
  • 44. Hegel's Library: The Newton Editions / P. Bronger
  • 1 Metaphysics and Scientific Proof: Newton and Hegel / J. W. Garrison
  • 2. Conflict between Newton's Analysis of Configurations and Hegel's Conceptual Analysis / W. E. Wehrle
  • 3. Analysis, Synthesis and Dialectic: Hegel's Answer to Aristotle, Newton and Kant / R. Pozzo
  • 4. Gravity, Polarity and Dialectical Method / B. Gower
  • 5. Hegel on the Interaction between Science and Philosophy / G. Buchdahl
  • 6. Hegel's Interpretation of Classical Mechanics / H.-H. von Borzeszkowski
  • 7. Philosophical Background to Hegel's Criticism of Newton / R. Wahsner
  • 8. Logic of Hegel's Philosophy of Nature / M. Drees
  • 9. Defending Hegel's Philosophy of Nature / A. V. Miller
  • 10. Newton and Hegel: Can Science Explain the Scientist? / S. Priest
  • 11. Newton's Pantokrator and Hegel's Absolute Mind / E. Wolf-Gazo
  • 12. Method of Exhaustion as a Model for the Calculus / A. W. Moore
  • 13.
  • 1 Metaphysics and Scientific Proof: Newton and Hegel / J. W. Garrison
  • 2. The Conflict between Newton's Analysis of Configurations and Hegel's Conceptual Analysis / W. E. Wehrle
  • 3. Analysis, Synthesis and Dialectic: Hegel's Answer to Aristotle, Newton and Kant / R. Pozzo
  • 4. Gravity, Polarity and Dialectical Method / B. Gower
  • 5. Hegel on the Interaction between Science and Philosophy / G. Buchdahl
  • 6. Hegel's Interpretation of Classical Mechanics / H.-H. von Borzeszkowski
  • 7. The Philosophical Background to Hegel's Criticism of Newton / R. Wahsner
  • 8. The Logic of Hegel's Philosophy of Nature / M. Drees
  • 9. Defending Hegel's Philosophy of Nature / A. V. Miller
  • 10. Newton and Hegel: Can Science Explain the Scientist? / S. Priest
  • 11. Newton's Pantokrator and Hegel's Absolute Mind / E. Wolf-Gazo
  • 12. The Method of Exhaustion as a Model for the Calculus / A. W. Moore
  • 13. Hegel on Greek Mathematics and the Modern Calculus / A. Moretto
  • 14. Newton and British Newtonians on the Foundations of the Calculus / N. Guicciardini
  • 15. The Dialectical Structure of Zeno's Arguments / I. Toth
  • 16. Hegel's Heritage in Applied Mathematics: A Plurality of Traditions / I. Grattan-Guinness
  • 17. Hegel on Mathematics and Experimental Science / L. Fleischhacker
  • 18. Inertial and Gravitational Mass: Newton, Hegel and Modern Physics / P. M. Kluit
  • 19. The Problem of Mass in Hegel / D. Wandschneider
  • 20. Pendulums in Newtonian Mechanics / A. Sarlemijn
  • 21. Classifying the Motion: Hegel on the Pendulum / M. J. Petry
  • 22. The Problem of Falling Bodies - from Galilei to Lagrange / A. Moretto
  • 23. Hegel on Galilei's Law of Fall / S. Buttner
  • 24. Eighteenth-Century Conceptions of Gravitation / F. van Lunteren
  • 25. Hegel's Treatment of Universal Gravitation / K.-N. Ihmig
  • 26. The Concept of Force in Eighteenth-Century Mechanics / W. Neuser
  • 27. Hegel's Rejection of the Concept of Force / K.-N. Ihmig
  • 28. Universal Gravitation from Elliptical Orbits / J. B. Brackenridge
  • 29. A Worm in Newton's Apple / R. Weinstock
  • 30. The Significance of Kepler's Laws / M. J. Petry
  • 31. The Early Debate Concerning Wave-Theory / A. Ziggelaar
  • 32. Hegel on Mechanistic Models of Light / B. Falkenburg
  • 33. Newton's Rejection of the Modification Theory of Colour / F. Steinle
  • 34. Hegel's Exposition of Goethe's Theory of Colour / L. Illetterati
  • 35. Newton's Colour-Theory and Perception / F. Steinle
  • 36. Hegel on Shadows and the Blue of the Sky / C. Melica
  • 37. Newtonian Atomism and Eighteenth-Century Chemistry / W. Bonsiepen
  • 38. Chemistry and Hegel's Logic / J. W. Burbidge
  • 39. Newton and Eighteenth-Century Conceptions of Chemical Affinity / C. de Pater
  • 40. The Significance of Hegel's Treatment of Chemical Affinity / H. A. M. Snelders
  • 41. Is Nature Conformable to Herself? / D. Gjertsen
  • 42. Hegel on Chemistry and the Organic Sciences / D. von Engelhardt
  • 43. Hegel's Library: The Works on Mathematics, Mechanics, Optics and Chemistry / A. Mense
  • 44. Hegel's Library: The Newton Editions / P. Bronger.
  • 27 Hegel's Rejection of the Concept of Force / K.-N. Ihmig
  • 28. Universal Gravitation from Elliptical Orbits / J. B. Brackenridge
  • 29. Worm in Newton's Apple / R. Weinstock
  • 30. Significance of Kepler's Laws / M. J. Petry
  • 31. Early Debate Concerning Wave-Theory / A. Ziggelaar
  • 32. Hegel on Mechanistic Models of Light / B. Falkenburg
  • 33. Newton's Rejection of the Modification Theory of Colour / F. Steinle
  • 34. Hegel's Exposition of Goethe's Theory of Colour / L. Illetterati
  • 35. Newton's Colour-Theory and Perception / F. Steinle
  • 36. Hegel on Shadows and the Blue of the Sky / C. Melica
  • 37. Newtonian Atomism and Eighteenth-Century Chemistry / W. Bonsiepen
  • 38. Chemistry and Hegel's Logic / J. W. Burbidge
  • 39. Newton and Eighteenth-Century Conceptions of Chemical Affinity / C. de Pater
  • 40. Significance of Hegel's Treatment of Chemical Affinity / H. A. M. Snelders
  • 41. Is Nature Conformable to Herself? / D. Gjertsen
  • 42. Hegel on Chemistry and the Organic Sciences / D. von Engelhardt
  • 43. Hegel's Library: The Works on Mathematics, Mechanics, Optics and Chemistry / A. Mense
  • 44. Hegel's Library: The Newton Editions / P. Bronger.