Table of Contents:
  • Hunter-gatherers in the landscape / Chantal Conneller
  • Warfare and human social evolution / Robert Layton, Robert Barton
  • Ideology, material culture and Khanty ritual landscapes in western Siberia / Peter Jordan
  • Floods and fires / Dimitrij Mlekuž
  • Mesolithic cultures of Ukraine / Malcolm C. Lillie
  • Critical analysis of data concerning the neolithisation of the Karst area of SW Slovenia, NE Italy / Tomaž Fabec
  • Returning to the ancestors? / Julie Dilcock
  • Petso's field / Kathryn Fewster
  • Marking space? / Graeme Warren
  • Showing the telling / Veronica Strang
  • Material culture and colonialism in West New Britain Province, Papua New Guinea / Chris Gosden, Chantal Knowles
  • An ethnographic approach to the reading of Kiowa rock art / Michael Paul Jordan
  • Approaching a wider spatio-temporal view / Robert Hosfield
  • Pictures at an exhibition / Marek Zvelebil, Kathryn Jane Fewster