Table of Contents:
  • Introduction / Dominik Wujastyk
  • Sanskrit and science : a new area of study / K.V. Sarma
  • Solution of second degree indeterminate equations in Sanskrit texts / A.K. Bag
  • Chronological influences from a comparision between commentaries on different Śulbasūtras / Jean Michel Delire
  • Bhāskara I's geometrical diagrams in the Āryabhaṭīyabhāṣya
  • Some neglected aspects of Ayurveda or the illusion of a consistent theory / G. Jan Meulenbeld
  • Saṃskāras in Vāgbhaṭa's Aṣṭāṅgahṛdayasaṃhitā : garbhādhāna, ṛtusaṃgamana, puṃsavana / Dagmar Benner
  • Contrasting examples of Ayurvedic creativity around 1700 / Dominik Wujastyk
  • Terminology of spirit illness : an empirical study of a living healing tradition / Antti Pakaslahti
  • Some notes on the Bheḍa(la)saṃhitā / Tsutomu Yamashita