Astroparticle, particle and space physics, detectors and medical physics applications proceedings of the 9th Conference : Villa Olmo, Como, Italy, 17-21 October 2005 /

Bibliographic Details
Corporate Authors: International Conference on Advanced Technology and Particle Physics Como, Italy, World Scientific (Firm), ebrary, Inc
Other Authors: Barone, Michele
Format: Electronic Conference Proceeding Book
Published: Hackensack, N.J. : World Scientific, c2006
Singapore ; Hackensack, N.J. : c2006
Table of Contents:
  • Advanced, miniaturized detectors and particle identification. A novel micromegas detector for in-core nuclear reactor neutron flux measurements. The ALICE TPC. The ATLAS RPC test stands. Performances in high magnetic fields of fine-mesh photomultipliers for fast time-of-flight detectors. Recent results on GridPix detectors: an integrated micromegas ageing test. RICH detector at Jefferson lab, design, performance and physics results. Hybrid-photon-detectors in the LHCb RICH system. Development of a fast transition radiation and tracking detector for CBM at FAIR. R&D on a detector for very high momentum charged hadron identification in ALICE. The design and test of the ATLAS diamond beam conditions monitor. The AMS02 Transition Radiation Detector (TRD)- a gasfilled detector for the International Space Station. A new automatic microscope for high speed analysis of nuclear emulsions. A novel type of proximity focusing RICH counter with multiple refractive index aerogel radiator. A subminiature scintillation detector for catheter operation. Analysis of test-beam data from a prototype LHCb RICH detector. Single crystal CVD diamond detectors for hadron physics. Improvement of particle identification by energy loss in a stack of silicon detectors. Studies for a fast RICH. Properties of scintillator strip with wavelength shifting fiber and silicon phoromultiplier
  • Astroparticle experiments. The underground Baradello Laboratory: characterization of the site and early results on gamma-ray and neutron spectrometry measurements. The art of detecting Neutrinos, 2 km underground-the three phases of the sudbury neutrino observatory. Neutrino physics at the South Pole- recent results from the AMANDA experiment. First results from GLAST-LAT integrated towers cosmic ray data taking and Montecarlo comparison. Background analysis of Cuoricino in view of the future experiment CUORE. Application of nuclear track detectors in astroparticle and nuclear physics. Recent DAMA results. Double beta decay measurement with COBRA. Ultraviolet diamond photodetector. Status of the KATRIN experiment. The RPC system for the OPERA spectrometers. Electromagnetic shower reconstruction in emulsion cloud chamber. A low background micromegas detector for the CAST experiment. Imaging optical adapters for multi-anode photo multipliers detectors. A 2D stochatsic Montecarlo for the solar modulation of GCR: a procedure to fit interplanetary parameters comparing to the experimental data. Spatial distribution of energetic heavy ions near the earth. A photon tag calibration beam for the AGILE satellite. Observation program of isotope composition in the ultra heavy cosmic rays. High-energy cosmic rays investigated by air-shower measurements with KASCADE, KASCADE-Grande, and LOPES. Scintillating optical fibers for astroparticle physics. The T2K experiment: status and instrumentation of the 280m near detector. Results and status of the PICASSO experiment. Data acquisition system and trigger electronics for CACTUS. The central pixel of the MAGIC telescope for optical observations. Status report of ARDM project: a new direct detection experiment, based on liquid argon, for the search of dark matter. Development of Multiple Photon Counting Coincidence (MPCC) technique for characterisation of scintillators for cryogenic applications. Results from Cuoricino experiment and prospects for CUORE. Timing calibration of the NEMO optical sensors. Design, production, and first results from the iceCube digital optical module - Calorimetry. Study of electromagnetic calorimeter trigger-primitive performances for CMS data selection. The CMS electromagnetic calorimeter. The CMS ECAL laser monitoring system. Pointing calorimeter for measuring [symbol] decay and development of extruded scintillator. CMS preshower In-situ absolute calibration. Dedicated front-end electronics for an ILC prototype hadronic calorimeter with SIPM readout. Using single photoelectron spectra in the calibration of the CMS-HF calorimeter. Jet energy scale determination for the Run II DØ calorimeter. The hadron calorimeter of the CMS experiment at the large hadron collider. Properties of a 256-channel prototype of the ALICE/PHOS calorimeter. Source calibration of the CMS quartz fiber forward calorimeter. The calibration strategy of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter. The very front-end cards for the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter: description, calibration and performance. Uniformity of response of the ATLAS electromagnetic calorimeter series modules. Plans for the very forward region of ATLAS- the LUCID luminosity monitor. Fast, long-wavelength scintillators and waveshifters. Test beam results of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter. Electron and pion results from the ATLAS foward calorimeter 2003 test beam. Linearity, energy and position resolution of the ATLAS electromagnetic calorimeter series modules. Preshower silicon strip detectors for the CMS experiment at LHC. Test beam results of the CMS forward quartz fibre calorimeter. Inter-calibration and offline compensation studies of the ATLAS calorimeter using beam tests and Monte Carlo
  • GEANT4 and software applications. Symposium on the applications of the GEANT4 simulation software. GEANT4 applications for NASA space missions. GEANT4 application to hadrontherapy in Japan. AMS02 Italian data transfer system: real life experience. Application of GEANT4 in the development of new radiation therapy treatment methods. G4 accelerator applications. A full Monte Carlo simulation of silicon strip detectors. Simulation of radiation monitors for future space missions. Electromagnetic physics modeling in GEANT4 package. Perspectives in medical applications of Monte Carlo simulation software for clinical practice in radiotherapy treatments. GEANT4 Monte Carlo simulation to estimate gamma-ray emissions from lunar surface and SELENE spacecraft. CORAL, a software system for vendor-neutral access to relational databases. GEANT4 simulation of the ATLAS muon spectrometer. Track extrapolation with intrinsic navigation in the new ATLAS tracking scheme. Applications of GEANT4 for the ESA space programme. Detector simulation in high energy physics
  • High energy physics. Fast shower parametrisation for electromagnetic cascades. Technical aspects of the manufacture of 4 grease pad assemblies for the CMS experiment. Implementation and performance of a Tau Lepton selection within the ATLAS trigger system at the LHC. ATLAS detector simulation: status and outlook. The ATLAS experiment at CERN: two years before the start of the data taking. Progress in grid computing for particle physics. Design, production and quality of the sensors for the silicon strip tracker of CMS. Running MINOS. ATLAS inner detector results from the 2004 combined test beam data. The CMS Muon system. Performances of the ATLAS Level-1 Muon trigger processor in the barrel. Certification, installation and commissioning of Muon drift tube chambers for the CMS central Muon detector. The LHC collider: status and outlook to operation. PANDA: a detector for research with antiprotons. Test of QED with the reaction [symbol]. Muon reconstruction and identification for the event filter of the ATLAS experiment
  • Medical applications and instrumentations. Spectral and spatial distribution of the scattered radiation of an electron radiotherapy beam. A liquid ionization chamber as monitor in radiotherapy. The mammographic head demonstrator developed in the framework of the "IMI" project: first imaging tests results. Optimized infrared detectors for infrared synchrotron radiation microspectroscopy and biomedical imaging. MATRIX: an innovative pixel ionization chamber for on-line beam monitoring in hadrontherapy. Development of a dual tracer PET method for imaging dopaminergic neuromodulation. Rethinking positron emission technology for early cancer detection. Positron emission tomography- tracer kinetic modelling in drug development. 3D-reconstruction of absorbed dose obtained from gel-dosimeter layers. Accurate determination of radionuclidic purity and half-life reactor produced Lu-177g for metabolic radioimmunotherapy. Spatial linearity improvement for discrete scintillation imagers. High resolution, high sensitivity detectors for molecular imaging of small animals and tumor detection. Strip ionization chamber as beam monitor in the proton therapy eye treatment. Low dose, low energy 3D image guidance during radiotherapy. Alpha cyclotron production studies of the Alpha Emitter [symbol] for High-LET metabolic radiotherapy. Treatment planning with IVIS imaging and Monte Carlo simulation. Monte Carlo simulations of a human phantom radio-pharmacokinetic response on a small field of view scintigraphic device. Applications of the Monte Carlo code GEANT to particle beam therapy. Charge sharing in pixel detectors for spectroscopic imaging. Direct thickness calibration: way to radiographic study of soft tissues. A portable pixel detector operating as an active nuclear emulsion and its application for X-ray and neutron tomography
  • Radiation damage. Statistical study of radiation hardness of CMS silicon sensors. SIC PbWO4 crystals for the electromagnetic calorimeter of CMS experiment. MDT chamber ageing test at ENEA casaccia neutron and gamma facilities. Behavior of thin film materials under [symbol] irradiation for astronomical optics. Full characterization of non-uniformly irradiated silicon micro-strip sensors. Beam energy monitor for 4-10 MeV electron accelerators. Optical link of the ATLAS pixel detector
  • Ion electron emission microscopy for SEE studies. An analysis of the expected degradation of silicon detectors in the future ultra high energy facilities. Investigation of VLSI bipolar transistors irradiated with electrons, ions and neutrons for space application. Radiation-hardness studies of high OH~ content quartz fibres irradiated with 24 GeV protons. Development of radiation hard silicon detectors: the SMART project. Scintillator and phosphor materials: latest developments and applications. Crystals for high-energy physics calorimeters in extreme environments. Radiation testing of GLAST LAT tracker ASICS. Magnetic field and radiation tests of a programmable delay line. LCFI charge transfer inefficiency studies for CCD vertex detectors. Photoluminescence and [symbol]-ray irradiation of [symbol] and [symbol] phosphors
  • Space experiments. The extreme universe. PAMELA data acuisition system. AGILE MCAL, the mini-calorimeter. Primary helium CR inside the magnetosphere: a transmission function study. Lanthanum Halide scintillators and optical fiber readout for X-ray/ gamma-ray astronomy and national security applications. The AGILE silicon tracker: construction and calibration results. Ions abundance close to the rarth surface: the role of the magnetosphere. Design of a Silicon Transition Radiation Detector (SiTRD) for accelerators and space applications. The origin of Helium-3 isotope enhancement in the magnetosphere observed by TSUBASA satellite. The microscope mission and pre-flight performance verification. Performance of the integrated tracker towers of the GLAST large area telescope. Performance of neutron detector and bottom trigger scintillator of the space instrument PAMELA. High granularity silicon beam monitors for wide range multiplicity beams. Environmental test activity on the flight modules of the GLAST LAT tracker. The time of flight detector and trigger for the PAMELA experiment in space. Fundamental physics in ESA's cosmic vision plan. The AMS-O2 electronics system. Launch in orbit of the space telescope PAMELA and ground data results. CZT detector development for new generation hard-X/gamma ray astronomical instruments
  • Tracking devices. A barrel IFR instrumented with limited streamer tubes for BaBar experiment. A new inner layer silicon strip detector for DO. Calibration system for the silicon drift detector of the ALICE experiment. Experience with the resistive plate chamber in the BaBar experiment. Muon identification and reconstruction in the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Micrometric position monitoring using fiber bragg grating sensors in silicon detectors. Commissioning of the CMS tracker outer barrel. New effects observed in the BaBar silicon vertex tracker: interpretation and estimate of their impact on the future performance of the detector. Tests of substructures of the CMS silicon strip tracker. Test, qualification and electronics integration of the ALICE silicon pixel detector modules. Layout and status of the CMS silicon tracker. The CMS-tracker detector controls system. Optimization of the readout pad geometry for a GEM-based time projection chamber. Tracking strategy and performance for the ATLAS high level triggers. The LHCb silicon tracker. The H1 silicon tracker. The LHCb muon system. Two- and three-dimensional reconstruction and analysis of the straw tubes tomography in the BTeV experiment. Cryogenic operation of edge-sensitive silicon microstrip detectors. The DEPFET active pixel sensor as vertex detector for the ILC. Final assembly and intergration of the ATLAS semiconductor tracker and transition radiation tracker. 3-dimensional position control for the AMS-02 tracker with infrared laser beams. Development of a GEM-based high resolution TPC for the international linear collider. STAR inner and forward tracking upgrade
  • List of participants