Table of Contents:
  • Introduction: proem
  • 1. Celtic origins of the Vita Merlini
  • 2. The twelfth century and Geoffrey's non-Celtic sources
  • 3. Prophecy in Vita Merlini
  • 4. Stories from the Celtic wild men
  • 5. Geoffrey of Monmouth's life
  • 6. Authorship
  • 7. Date of Vita Merlini
  • 8. Manuscripts and editions of Vita Merlini
  • Vita Merlini: Life of Merlin. Latin text facing English translation
  • Textual commentary
  • Name notes index
  • Appendix 1: Lailoken A and B tales: translations
  • Appendix 2: Afallennau: three narrative stanzas translated by Professor A.O.J. Jarman