Biography 1,801 Exhibitions 1,623 Biographies 1,132 Exhibition catalogs 1,062 History 711 Criticism, interpretation, etc 674 Radio news programs 562 Interviews 532 Autobiographies 373 Catalogs 363 Fiction 302 Congresses 286 Pictorial works 279 Electronic books 246 Textbooks for foreign speakers 179 Textbooks 178 Conference papers and proceedings 146 Diaries 115 Forecasts 114 Expositions 105 Documentary films 102 Periodicals 100 exhibition catalogs 89 Catalogues d'exposition 87 Internet videos 87 Scores 85 Personal narratives 84 Illustrated works 82 Video recordings 82 Poetry 79 Drama 78 Anecdotes 77 Feature films 74 Bibliography 72 Musical settings 72 Festschriften 70 Film adaptations 69 Case studies 68 Nonfiction films 68 Correspondence 65 Facsimiles 65 Dictionaries 61 Manuscripts 59 Novels 59 for English speakers 59 Artists' books 55 Autobiography 54 DVD-Video discs 54 Oral histories 54 Readers 54 Portraits 53 Trials, litigation, etc 51 Readers (Publications) 48 for foreign speakers 47 Essays 46 Translations into English 44 Handbooks, manuals, etc 41 Bibliographies 39 Oral histories (literary works) 39 interviews 39 Short stories 38 Miscellanea 37 Mystery fiction 37 Video recordings for the hearing impaired 37 Catalogues 36 Photographs 36 autobiographies (literary works) 36 Legislative hearings 35 Songs 35 Detective and mystery fiction 34 Ouvrages illustrés 34 Photobooks 34 Romans 33 Entretiens 32 Personal correspondence 31 Juvenile literature 30 Aufsatzsammlung 28 Designs and plans 28 In art 28 Biographical films 27 Chamber music 27 Documentary television programs 27 Art music 26 Handbooks and manuals 26 Television news programs 26 Translations 26 Academic theses 25 Conversation and phrase books 25 Fiction films 25 Interview 24 Juvenile works 23 Trivia and miscellanea 23 Architectural drawings 22 Art 22 Detective and mystery stories 22 Problems and exercises 22 Sources 22 collective biographies 22 Bildband 21 Humor 21