Early works to 1800 46,436 History 44,501 Broadsides 23,566 Early works 17,998 Sermons 15,126 Criticism, interpretation, etc 11,665 Sources 8,440 Biography 7,223 Exhibitions 6,769 Electronic books 6,055 Poetry 5,238 Biographies 4,813 Church history 4,578 Exhibition catalogs 4,515 Catalogs 4,216 Congresses 3,448 Portraits 2,873 Print 2,855 Conference papers and proceedings 2,593 Controversial literature 2,316 Manuscripts, Arabic 2,129 Bibliography 1,775 Drama 1,674 Fiction 1,592 Correspondence 1,492 Annotations (Provenance) 1,474 Sound recordings 1,417 Ballads 1,109 Bibliographies 1,090 Dictionaries 1,037 Title pages 952 Military history 891 Art 887 Streaming audio 887 Pictorial works 879 In art 806 Scores 788 Academic theses 782 Texts 772 Songs 739 Humor 723 Poems 684 Ouvrages avant 1800 640 Apologetic works 589 Stories, plots, etc 582 Expositions 577 Commentaries 571 Personal correspondence 566 Records and correspondence 548 Printers' devices (Printing) 529 Periodicals 528 Specimens 518 Booksellers' advertisements 517 Trials, litigation, etc 515 Formulae, receipts, prescriptions 503 Photomechanical prints 442 Armorial bookplates (Provenance) 437 Historical fiction 436 Naval history 435 Photographic prints 433 Clippings 429 sermons 429 Pamphlets 413 Facsimiles 406 Engravings 400 Registers 391 Diaries 388 Imprints 386 Plays 383 Blind tooled bindings (Binding) 381 Maps 376 Downloadable audio file 373 Later Italian 370 Excerpts 369 exhibition catalogs 369 Chamber music 368 Catalogues d'exposition 363 Funeral sermons 355 Librettos 354 Songs and music 343 Apologetic writings 341 Internet videos 340 Translations 339 Manuscripts 336 Catalogues 330 Broadside poems 325 Congrès 325 Genealogy 320 Manuscripts, European 316 Newspapers 316 Proclamations 309 Illustrated works 308 Thèses et écrits académiques 307 Academic dissertations 299 Advertisements 297 Hymns 296 Aufsatzsammlung 294 Newsbooks 288 Mazarinades 287 Black letter types (Type evidence) 282