History 3,781 Early works to 1800 2,806 Criticism, interpretation, etc 1,879 Manuscripts, Medieval 1,421 Exhibitions 1,057 Manuscripts, Arabic 971 Incunabula 842 Sources 799 Biography 777 Exhibition catalogs 747 Catalogs 706 Congresses 660 Photographic prints 621 Photomechanical prints 619 Sound recordings 579 Photographs 570 Art 560 Biographies 548 Conference papers and proceedings 500 Early works 483 Clippings 407 Manuscripts, Renaissance 352 Poetry 334 Manuscripts 328 Facsimiles 317 Streaming audio 296 Print 269 Fiction 257 Annotations (Provenance) 246 Manuscripts, Latin 245 Bibliography 239 Printers' devices (Printing) 239 Portraits 232 Electronic books 222 Church history 216 Songs 210 Illustrations 207 Prayers and devotions 206 Texts 180 Scores 177 Notarial documents 172 Illustrated works 171 Motets 164 Drama 162 Songs and music 161 Bibliographies 154 Legal documents 150 Ouvrages avant 1800 147 Part songs 144 Academic theses 138 Commentaries 137 Illuminated manuscripts 131 Expositions 129 Downloadable audio file 127 Books of hours 126 Translations 122 Florentine 120 North Italian 120 Polyphonic chansons 120 Music 119 Correspondence 117 Vocal music 114 Manuscripts, Hebrew 109 Excerpts 107 Venetian 107 Central Italian 105 Dictionaries 105 Specimens 99 Masses 98 Chamber music 97 Sermons 97 Italian Sculpture 96 Manuscript waste (Binding) 90 Woodcuts 88 Sacred vocal music 87 Catalogues d'exposition 82 Congrès 82 exhibition catalogs 81 Pictorial works 80 Rappresentazioni 77 Sacred music 76 Historical fiction 75 In art 75 Catalogues 74 Periodicals 72 Manuscripts, Persian 70 Photocopies 69 Art music 68 Military history 66 Thèses et écrits académiques 65 Illuminations 63 Pictures 63 Annotations 61 Partitions (Musique) 60 Festschriften 59 Fac-similés 58 Personal correspondence 57 Academic Dissertation 56 Codices 56 Manuscripts, Italian 56